Tuesday, June 28, 2016

Dichotomy of a Rose

Dverse poets has a new assignment - a 44-word quadrille employing the word "rose." Greatly missing my usual meme (Magpie Tales, on hiatus just now), I am throwing my hand in with Dverse today to give this a try...

©2016 Susan Noyes Anderson

 My love called me a rose.
I'm happy, heaven knows.
And yet, my stem is torn
'twixt beauty and the thorn.

In me, which does he see?
Bright bloom or injury?
Am I the prize...the prick?
Too risky for his heart to pick?

 for more poems, click below


  1. Welcome to dVerse. We're going on a two week vacation so be sure to check back with us. I like this a lot. The rhyme is excellent and I like how it flows. the important question indeed is what does he/she see in me - the beauty or the brains? I'm happy my hubs sees my brains and the homeliness as beauty. Good work on this.

  2. This is so much fun wrapped around so much truth, and I love the rhyme :)

  3. Definitely on the thorns of a dilemma. A thorn by any other name... This is a fun poem, smooth and easy on the tongue! Welcome to dVerse!

  4. Yes, as Toni has said - Welcome! A superb entry to wet your feet and our appetite for your poetry! You seem to have vacated one hiatus for another vacation.

  5. As said before a big welcome... I hope you find the prompts fun. Love the rhyme in this a lot... the rhyme and meter reminds me a little of Blake... but of that message in the complexity of a rose... the prick and bliss together.. wonderful

  6. Lovely and thought provoking, Sue. You made use of every word.

  7. Welcome! So fun to have you at dVerse. I love the rhyme you've pulled here. :)

  8. Ah, I hope he has the right answer.

  9. I so admire the dichotomy of the rose, with beauty or prickling thorns.

    Glad you have joined us Sue. Yes, I have "met" you before in bloggerworld, smile.s

    We are just taking a two week summerbreak, then we are back 3x a week with prompts.

    Take care and have a great week.

  10. You nailed it! Cute poem and so true in many ways. I often wonder if I'm a bit of a thorn in hubby's side when my rose petals fall off! Have a good week Sue!

  11. Wow, this was a good one~ I loved how you worked this one around. Of course, I do love roses and there's always a way to write poetry with this lovely flower with thorns. Hugs~

  12. I love the title. And you pose very reasonable questions in this piece.

  13. He sees all in the rose and loves her beautiful bloom right along with the injury- and she does the same! Lovely.

  14. Good questions here in this cute poem. I'm sure we're some of both to each other. After all you don't get the rose without the thorns.

    Gayle ~

  15. Great poem on how we see ourselves and how others see us. I also love the rhyming pattern.

  16. I think you summed up most relationships quite nicely.

  17. I'd like to think that when somebody picks a rose, one does so with full knowledge that he can get hurt by its thorns. However, he does so anyway because the beauty of the rose and the joy it gives far surpasses the risk of getting hurt. :-)

  18. I think he probably fell for the rose but got the pricks in the package.

  19. Such skill--to be able to write within the constraints of the quadrille using meter and form. Wonderful.

  20. Typical woman. Her husband gives her a huge compliment and yet, she is doubting it....finding fault within herself.
