Wednesday, May 25, 2016

On Hope

©2016 Susan Noyes Anderson

The cynic in me flirts with gloom
when something makes me grieve.
But I don't let it rent a room.
HOPE is what I believe.

Down is an empty feeling;
looming shadows chase the light.
There's much to gain from healing,
not a lot to gain from blight.

It's rather simple, all in all.
Each person gets to choose.
Half full? Half empty? Stand or fall?
We own it, win or lose.


"I believe that imagination is stronger than knowledge. That myth is more potent than history. That dreams are more powerful than facts. That hope always triumphs over experience. That laughter is the only cure for grief. And I believe love is stronger than death." – Robert Fulghum


  1. Sue,

    Just checking up on old friends. Have read your last few month's archives with great pleasure (and with a harsh reminder that I am a writer of doggerel by comparison.) Currently hanging out at, where I post the usual squibs, all variations of things I've said before. There is not only nothing new under the sun but nothing new under my skullcap.

    As I read again the comments from my original blog, I realize how fortunate I was in my selection of friends -- and I did proactively select you all - Mattie Elliot (now gone), Liz Armbruster (now gone), Randi Keefe (now inactive on the web), Ken Devine (still painting), Becky Povich (still writing), Nina Baldwin (still painting). Many others. I'm so glad to see that you're still plyng away, Sue. I still go back to "His Children" for spiritual nourishment when the need arises, and it does have a way of arising.

    Sue, if you will send me a mailing address, I'd like to send you gift copies of my two books. Do NOT offer payment. Sales-wise, both have pretty much run their course, and I have a supply on hand. My email is


  2. This is just the lesson I needed to hear today and so beautifully written. Thank you.

  3. Hope is where I live. It's a gift and I try to keep it nourished because it can be a bit fragile. On the other hand, Hope has carried me far and kept me upright many times.
    And, on another note - Happy Birthday to another May baby!

  4. Love the poem and the quote. I do try to lean on Hope when it seems like "stuff" keeps happening. Give me laughter and imagination any day. I believe someday, in another place, we'll look back on all our life experiences and wonder why we worried about so much non important things instead of just enjoying the ride.

  5. Surely never abandon us hope! Beautiful poem!

  6. Hi Sue

    Lovely poem! It is always good to dwell in hope, even when embracing acceptance.

  7. Wow Sue, thanks for this very beautiful poem. We have been working with some very depressed individuals this week and this poem tells it all. The quote is perfect for what we are dealing with too. Hugs for this one and blessings for all you do to enlighten and brighten our world with hope through your writing. Love you much! Hugs~

  8. It really is simple, isn't it Sue? I may not comment often, but I follow you. Oh, and thanks for your comment about the lemon pie debacle!

  9. I need to remember this....not to let gloom rent a room. I tend to do a lot of "what if...." but I need to let hope be on top of all that. Thank you Sue!
