Sunday, April 24, 2016

Hope Lost, Hope Found

Hope Lost, Hope Found
©2016 Susan Noyes Anderson

The heavy desert heat
assaulted her,
shut down her cool,
absorbed her essence,
stole from her the
right to breathe.

It beat her down,
ran out her sweat,
forged salty rivers of regret,
offered no respite
cool or sweet;
mercy the forfeit.

Faith melted,
trickled into sand,
sank deeper than
her sun-seared hand.
Left thirst unsated.

Her plight, in purple
mountains framed,
subdued then claimed
the fight within.
Broken she bowed,
her end avowed.

The day was lost;
the angels cried.
Her spirit, vanquished
from inside,
yielded to pain.
But then...the rain.

Hope born again.


Hope warms my heart,
especially in the most trying circumstances.
It comes most often, I believe, in God's tender mercies...
like cooling rain…
and living water.

"For the Lamb…shall lead them unto living fountains of waters;
and God shall wipe away all tears from their eyes."
Revelation 7:17

"…And the same shall be in [them] a well of living water,
springing up unto everlasting life."
D&C 63:23

for more warm hearts, click below


  1. I love it, Sue. That's the way it is, often, everywhere. But then for those who will listen and bow down relief still will come.
    Your poem reminded me of the song we sang in church today, "Perfect Love". The lyrics are here:

  2. Beautiful. We all need hope.

  3. Exquisite poem, full of sensitivity! A hug!

  4. Beautiful Sue. Now the trick for me is to remember this when I am going through hard times.

  5. I live some days for that rain of hope...beautiful poem Sue.

  6. Beautiful poem! Always a pleasure to say hello and stop by for a visit. Have a great weekend. xo

  7. I read the desert walk so much like a metaphor... I hope everyone in need can get such rain.

  8. So beautifully made me rather emotional. Hope is always reassuringly there in the most difficult circumstances...throwing us a lifeline when we are drowning. Your writing is amazing.
