Thursday, January 28, 2016

Encircled in Thine Arms

I wrote this poem for my mom as an early Christmas gift, because her husband and she had been going through an especially difficult time. Happily, things are much better for them now, which warms my heart and prompts me to choose this offering for Warm Heart Wednesday.

I feel grateful when I can put together the right words and bring a measure of peace to the people I love. This is a gift I treasure, one that brings me joy because it allows me to give of myself in a unique way. The image below (Christ holding an elderly woman) was especially meaningful to me, as it made me think of my own dear mom and His ability and willingness to bring comfort and hope to her heart. 

I do love the notion of being encircled in our Savior's loving arms. There is simply no better place for healing, and I'm sure my mom agrees. After all, she's the one who taught me! =)

image from LDS Church

©2015 Susan Noyes Anderson

O Savior, thou art good to me.
Encircled in thine arms, I find
the salve for every weeping wound,
the balm to ease my troubled mind.

Thou lovest me through every trial
with grace sufficient for my needs.
Thou hast the power to heal the soul,
to soothe the aching heart that pleads.

Stay with me, Lord; embrace my woes.
I would not wander far from thee.
Thou art the Master of my soul,
my Shepherd for eternity.


"Therefore, treasure up these words in thy heart. 
Be faithful and diligent in keeping the commandments of God,
and I will encircle thee in the arms of my love" (D&C 6:20).

for more warm hearts, click below.


Gail said...

I'm sure this gift was enjoyed as much by your mom and her husband as I enjoyed it today.

Thank you.

EG CameraGirl said...

Your mother is fortunate to have such a loving daughter to gift her with these beautiful words!

Jim said...

Your poem was a welcome gift for your mother, I know, at a time when things aren't going smoothly. I got to where I lost things and it was driving me crazy. I prayed a similar prayer and now I accept losing things. Seems to I don't lose so much anymore either??

Karen Mortensen said...

So pretty. I needed that today.

Betty said...

You have a way with words. What a wonderful gift for your mom.

yaya said...

Your Mom is a special lady to me. I loved her blog and was so impressed that she would take up a venture like that at her age. I do hope all is well with her and her wonderful hubby and I think this poem is so beautiful and says so much and touches those places in our hearts that need healed. Next time you see her, please give her a hug from me! Hugs to you from me too!

Ingrid said...

What a nice tribute to your mother !

Pondside said...

It is a unique gift, and so good that you acknowledge that and use the gift for so many good reasons - in joy and support, in sorrow and in teaching the younger ones.

...."with grace sufficient for my needs"......Yes, just when I think there isn't a drop left in the well I draw from, there it is.

Momza said...

I would love to see these words in a hymn...very powerful imagery and truth! Thanks Sue!

LeAnn said...

This entire post is so heartfelt and just lovely. The picture is so beautiful. I haven't seen this one. I am sure your sweet mother loved this one. I can relate to it too. I have felt wrapped in the warmth of His love a few times. It is so real to me. Sue, this piece of poetry should be in the Ensign. Of course, I think all your writings should be published. You have such an amazing talent.
Have a sweet weekend my friend; hugs!

carol l mckenna said...

What a wonderful and beautiful gift to your Mom ~ lovely creation ~ sending lots of positive energy to you, your Mom and her husband ~

Happy Weekend to you ~ ^_^

Anonymous said...

Lovely gift to your mother.

Jenny said...

Beautiful. Thank you for sharing.

Grandma Honey said...

Oh Sue. That is beautiful! It reads like a hymn.

yaya said...

So sorry Dick has been going through all this but hopefully he's on the mend and he and Darlene can have some comfort. The poem is perfect and I can relate to it in many ways. Thanks for always being a joy to visit here!