Sunday, October 11, 2015

Under Cover

image by Jacek Yerka

Under Cover
©2015 Susan Noyes Anderson

I draw my sleep beneath a golf ball moon,
where verdant trees sprout tiny, ticking clocks.
Deep waters hold me close in rippled arms,
enfold me in a soft, white bed of rocks.

There is a calm, a strange but present peace.
All that I need is waiting on the shore.
My spirit slumbers, dreaming of release.
Night holds me helpless; dawn unlocks the door.

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Kathleen said...

I'd love to hear this set to music. The rhythm is is so gentle and restful, it could be a lullaby. I can totally relate to the images in this poem: Sometimes sleep is hard (the rocks) and sometimes it is fluid (the ripples). It requires such surrender, and yet there is faith in knowing that all I need is on the shore. If you were to address the following concept in the well-known children's prayer -- "if I should die before I wake" -- how would your verse approach it? There's a part of me that wanted to hear that in your poem. My guess is you'd find a way to provide lovely illumination.

Very nice, Sue!

Gail said...

Gentle, peaceful, good.

Grandma Honey said...

I am intrigued by the white bed of rocks. That's how my sleep often seems to be. Sometimes I think the hardest thing I do all day is sleep. It does not come easy.

Ingrid said...

That's a strange place to sleep ! Very fairy tale !

carol l mckenna said...

Love the 'undercover' ~ well penned and leaving me with a special feeling of what happens when I sleep ~ Delightful post of U!

Happy Week to you,
artmusedog and carol

EG CameraGirl said...

What a lovely thought that dawn opens the door!

LeAnn said...

This was just so lovely! You are such a fantastic writer; I always love your poetry.
Sending love and hugs your way~

Amy said...

You know, I used to hate poetry. I didn't understand it and a lot of it just seemed to be posturing. You have helped me realize an appreciation for poetry because your poems are so beautiful and simple enough that I can usually understand them. I agree that this one would be lovely a as a lullaby. It is so gentle and serene. As usual, I love it!

Susan Anderson said...

That is also true for me these days. Which is exactly why I had to insert the rocks. :)

Susan Anderson said...

To hear that I might have had a hand in your deciding to like poetry is music to my ears, Amy. A long time ago, I decided to write accessible poetry that would speak to poetry lovers and novices alike. Your words today make me feel like I may be succeeding. I write for myself first, but I want to communicate with others too, including those who are neither poets nor poetry enthusiasts. And how can that happen if they don't understand me? Thanks for the encouragement. You kinda made my day.

yaya said...

I read this as I'm getting ready to head to perfectly describes my slumber! I wish it were warm out so the windows could be open to hear those night sounds!

Karen Sue said...

I could have used some of this last night...

Unknown said...

Beautifully expressed and well written post.
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