Saturday, April 4, 2015

Easter: The Spring of Hope

Easter: The Spring of Hope
c2015 Susan Noyes Anderson

Come, celebrate the joys of spring,
bright days of reawakening,
when spirits rise from winter long
to soar on wings of sweet birdsong.

The season is awash in light--
blue skies enhanced by clouds of white
and colors flung across rich earth
to flood the world with signs of birth.

As daffodils wake from their rest,
a feathered mother builds her nest.
The ebb of life renews again
from sunlit field to wooded glen.

What better time to set our hearts
on gifts and blessings God imparts--
the greatest of them Jesus Christ,
who saved us with His sacrifice.

May every thought be turned to Him
in whom our hope need never dim;
and may His swift, surpassing peace
grant every wayward soul release.



Pondside said...

Thank you Sue. I loved this! 'The ebb of life renews again' Amen!!!
This Easter in particular has me holding on - a people of the Ressurection we have been given the ultimate promise, the ultimate gift.
Happy Easter!

Gail said...

Absolutely beautiful.

It is good to remember why we celebrate.

A Happy Blessed Easter to you and yours.

Ingrid said...

How sweet ! Happy Easter to you too !

Leovi said...

Wonderful light, I love that beautiful scenery that describes your poem!

Grandma Honey said...

I love this Sue. It reminds me of conference today and turning our lives towards Him….and all will be well. Happy Easter! Do we get to see a picture of your new babies soon?

yaya said...

Happy Easter to you Sue! Today was a beautiful day here with all the lovelies in your poem...sun, rising daffodils, and I even spied a bird building a nest in a tree in our front yard. I hope your day was great!

Pat @ Mille Fiori Favoriti said...

Happy Easter, Sue! I was delighted to read your post about your twin grandchildren being born--they are so beautiful! Congratulations on these two blessings!

EG CameraGirl said...

I hope you and your family had a joyous Easter, Sue!

LeAnn said...

That was just so lovely; thanks for sharing your beautiful talent. I just marvel at your poetry.
Sending love and hugs your way!

Rocky Mountain Woman said...

What a beautiful sentiment! Thanks for making me happy today...