Tuesday, March 24, 2015

Easter: The Gift of Christ

©2015 Susan Noyes Anderson

Image by Heinrich Hofmann

©2015 Susan Noyes Anderson

When all about me seems to dim
and colors change to muted gray,
I turn my mind and heart to Him
who carries worldly woes away.

In life, He blessed and healed and fed;
no soul in need sought Him in vain.
In death, He lifted us from dread
and taught us how to live again.

He rose and conquered, made us whole;
our broken bodies He would mend.
But dearer still, each broken soul
would find in Him a lasting friend.

No grief would pass away unknown,
for He had borne it on His knees.
Christ bled, forsaken and alone,
His suffering the price of peace.

How precious are the gifts He gave,
how sacred every drop He spilled.
The Lord loves us enough to save.
In Him, our purpose is fulfilled.

And when my darkness seeks His light,
the dawn is never far away.
His grace sets all the world aright
and shines in me a brighter day.


  1. a poem running over with hope! amen

    Have you aver submitted anything to Christart.ca They would love this and many more people could read it!

    All you do is start an account then submit the poem on the sumit-poem-page, and if they approve the poem then they will publish it.

  2. With tears in my eyes of gratitude, I think He speaks and works through you.

    I will remember that last verse and tell myself often.

  3. Positive words, perfect for spring, Easter...any time, actually.

  4. The last stanza is something I needed today. Thanks.

  5. you always find the right words and make them beautiful.

    Easter, the season of hope and new beginnings.

  6. I am back blogging again after 6 weeks and I have missed your blog posts. I am so thrilled that this is the first one to read. Oh my gosh, you just get better all the time with your poetry. I love your poems and this is especially an inspiring one.
    Have you ever had one published in the Ensign? Thank you for sharing your wonderful talent dear friend.
    Sending love and hugs your way!

  7. I gave a lesson last month on the Savior and this would have been a perfect ending for me! I love this...so beautiful and perfect for this Easter season. I've been thinking of your Mom and I hope she's OK. When you see or talk to her please tell her hello from me. Have a wonderful Easter.

  8. Beautiful words, Sue. Thank you!

  9. I wanted to come back and thank you for this gorgeous poem. I read it shortly after you posted it and it put me in the immediate mindset for Easter. We are SO blessed because of Him.
