Monday, February 23, 2015

Do Not Speak a Word

Not One Word
©2015 Susan Noyes Anderson

Do not speak a word; I tell you.
Utter not one word.
These days your every phrase strikes me
as patently absurd.

The syllables that leave your lips
bedevil me no end.
If you keep blathering, I fear
I shall not call you friend.

So do not breathe a word, not one.
No wanton, witless word.
Your dialogue is best, I find,
entirely unheard.


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  1. I have known some people like that.

    Well done.

  2. Oh dear. I think that one or two of us might wish to borrow this!

  3. There have been friends I've had to step away from because of the spoken word. Perfect poem.

  4. Another gem. You are astonishingly gifted in the rhyming department.

  5. Well said, Sue! I don't know what inspired your words, but you hit the nail on the head. I hope all is well with you, my friend.

  6. Of course, I loved this one. I have known individuals like this.
    Yup, I think we have these moments for a reason and we learn great lessons from them.

  7. Very creative and dramatic photo!

    Happy Week ahead to you
    artmusedog and carol
