Sunday, February 15, 2015

Miracles DO Happen

 Melina Eloise

Alcide David

Can't think of a better day to share with all of you that my daughter Karin and her husband Bob have made us grandparents once again. Well, actually, twice again, with these beautiful new "twins." (I will explain the quotation marks around the word "twins" later.) At any rate, Sunday is the perfect time to celebrate this long-hoped-for miracle, for we are well aware that God is the One who made it possible. To be sure, medical technology had something to do with it; but to our way of thinking, technology is nothing but a tool that allows us, sometimes, to usher in His blessings. And we just managed to usher in two of the best blessings any of us have ever received.

Many of you old-timers around here know that Karin has struggled with infertility for years. She is the proud owner of a double uterus, and apparently that makes getting (and staying) pregnant a bit trickier. After two rounds of failed IVF, Karin went to a new fertility doctor who helped her conceive at last. Because of her history of non-implantation, he made the decision to implant one embryo in each of her two uteruses, hoping against hope that one of them would take. I guess you can see what happened! In a very rare occurrence, both of the babies-to-be implanted. Suddenly, she and Bob were expecting twins.

We were, of course, both delighted and nervous. How wonderful it would be to get two babies at once; how frightened we were that carrying two would be too crowded for her smaller-than-normal-sized uteri. There are very few records of people who have succeeded at carrying a baby in each of two wombs to term, so the little bit of information we could find online did not dismiss our very real concerns. And the fact that she had a large bleed at 13 weeks and a smaller one at 15 weeks didn't boost our confidence either. Nonetheless, because the pregnancies themselves were clearly an answer to prayer, we decided to put our faith in the Lord, trusting that it was His intent for Karin to birth these babies safely. 

Well, on February 12th, she did. And while she had to get a C-section 5 1/2 weeks early due to preeclampsia, they came out weighing 5 lb. 1 oz. and 5 lb. 7 oz. Melina had a little breathing difficulty for the first hour or so, but both babies are now doing well. I think you can imagine how thrilled all of us are, but I'm not sure anyone can possibly imagine the exhilaration I feel looking at my beautiful daughter as she holds these babies in her arms. Her face glows with the purest joy I have ever seen, and I know to Whom I owe the debt of gratitude I feel. Of course, I have always owed Him a debt of gratitude for every blessing in my life, but this is one of the rarest and most treasured. I will be thanking Him every day for the rest of my days. (And then I hope to do it in person!) ;)

Welcome to the world, Little Alcide and Melina. You are loved.
And a very happy Valentine's Day  
❤ ❤ 
from Grandma and Grandpa A.

PS. I said I would explain the word "twins." Technically, our babies are NOT twins, because they were fertilized separately by IVF and transferred to separate uteri. Furthermore, one is actually 4-5 days older than the other, because he (yes, it's Alcide) implanted sooner. Karin had them remove him first so he will be older in both birth and implantation. (And she also wanted Melina to have a "big brother.") The doctors still call them twins, for want of a better word, and so will we.

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Pondside said...

Alleluia!!!! I know that joy! Congratulations to Mummy and Daddy and to you Grandparents. A miracle indeed! Twins are a special blending - my DIL tells peoe that Twins are NOT like having two of the same age - there something exponential here and it is more like an extra FOUR - but four times the fun too. Lovely, lovely news.

Pondside said...

I should really proofread.
Of course I meant special 'blessing' and 'people'
Really - I think it was happiness that made my fingers go too quickly.

Grandma Honey said...

This makes my heart fill with joy! I am SO SO happy for her and her husband and for you and yours. Is there anything better in this world than to watch your children get the desires of their heart? And is there any greater joy or desire than children? I don't think so. This is THE BEST news. I hope we get to watch these babies grow via your blog. I will be thinking about them lots. Funny but I was just thinking last night if she was going to have the twins soon and then I wake up to this fabulous news!

Gail said...

Oh, what a double blessing and doubly beautiful.

Congratulations, Grandma, may the good news continue.

~T~ said...

A wonderful miracle, indeed!

And you might as well call them twins. If you get all technical about it, my sister-in-law has triplets, but one was born two years before the other two. They don't look at all alike, but the two are "the twins"!

Grandma Honey said...

I just read that the chances of this successfully happening is just one in 50 million! Whoa!

Karen Mortensen said...

This is a wonderful miracle. I am so happy for all of you. They were born on my son's birthday.

yaya said...

Congratulations on this special miracle in your family! I do understand how rare this is and I can almost hear the excited conversation amongst the staff in that OR! It's funny, but the longer I work in health care and see all the new technology the stronger my faith in God. Enjoy those sweet blessings!

jen said...

Tears are running down my face and my heart is so full for you, my friend. Babies are heaven's greatest blessing to begin with, and two such as this . . . even more so. I'm sure I'm not alone in begging for more pictures and more story.

There's something amazing about watching your daughter be a mother. I'm so happy you've finally had this miracle in your life. Squeeze those babies, and here's hoping they and mama are home soon.

So so so happy.

Momza said...

What a a very happy for the miracles in your life!

LeAnn said...

That is a miracle and I am amazed by it all. I am so happy they are here and doing well. I was praying for you all. I think this is an incredible story of faith and blessings coming together. They are of course, just adorable.
and I loved all of the pictures.
Wishing continued blessings for you all!

Brian Miller said...

wow. she got a double blessing after the trial of infertility....smiles...and i am so happy for you and for is so amazing....

Annesphamily said...

Congrats to all! A wonderful double blessing and beautiful babies! I a happy for your phamily and I know your daughter must be very joyful. ENjoy this precious bundle of joy.

Stacy said...

AWESOME! Miracle indeed, so happy for your family!

EG CameraGirl said...

Congratulations, Sue! I can tell you are thrilled! (And I would be too.)

Ingrid said...

How wonderful ! a real miracle, congratulations !

storybeader said...

It sounds like a true miracle - hoping everyone is fine {:-D

Leovi said...

Certainly, I like the tenderness and love that release these pictures !!

Donna Tagliaferri said...

I was drawn to your title that miracles happen. I am so happy for you and your whole family. May the Lord watch over them always. Give your daughter a hug from your cyber friends!!

Granny Sue said...

This is the happiest thing I have read today! Congratulations to all! I can imagine how relieved you are now that everyone is safe and well.