Saturday, January 10, 2015

Happy Is As Happy Does

Happy Is As Happy Does
©2015 Susan Noyes Anderson

Happy is as happy does.
The focus rests on you.
When things go south, you make or break
your chosen point of view.

Don't get me wrong; feelings run strong,
and sorrow tends to breed.
But most times, you can turn the tide.
You own the mood you feed.

Your arms may reach for sky and find
your heart is still earthbound.
But looking up to find the sun
beats searching underground.

Bad things will come to everyone;
of that, there is no doubt.
But those who stand upright and fight
won't fall for down-and-out.

for more H posts, click below


Brian Miller said...

we have to own our mood...otherwise the world controls us...and i hate to think where that might end you up at...smiles.

Pondside said...

Lovely posts, this and the last one. Like you, I am glad to see the passing of 2014 and hope for the best in 2015. Attitude is so important - I see it every day. I'll choose to put my face to the sun and move forward.

EG CameraGirl said...

It's so true! Most of the time we truly do choose to be in a good or foul mood. Thanks for the gentle reminder.

Grandma Yellow Hair said...

Honey I have truly missed you and your lovely poems.
This one I am hanging by my desk! You always have a way with words that inspires me to do better. So why don't I get over here like I use to.
Hopefully the new year will allow me the pleasure of blogging again.
Time has flown this year and I often wonder where do the years go and why so fast.
Hope you all are well. It is miserably cold today but I am fortunate to be off and am keeping warm.
Happy New Year and much love

Leovi said...

Wonderful poem, yes, the view is very important !!!

Amy said...

I love that phrase, "Happy is as happy does." It is so very true, as well as "misery loves company." It amazes me how people can focus on so much negativity. There is so much beauty in the world, why focus on the bad things? But I am an eternal optimist, so I can't really see their point of view at all. I am so glad you wrote this, though. It is marvelous!

carol l mckenna said...

Wonderful post for H ~ so true!

Happy Weekend,
artmusedog and carol

LeAnn said...

Another amazing poem; and so true.
I do think that we can make a choice to be happy most of the time. I do get tired of all the negativity in the world today. I try hard to live in the positive.
Blessings for this one and the reminder we have the choice.

Gail said...

Delightful. We do know that but sometimes it takes more effort to get thought and gratefulness going in the right direction.

Reminded me of Granny's saying, Pretty is as pretty does.

Have a blessed weekend.

Ingrid said...

What a nice poem for "H" ! I prefer to sit on the right side !

Friko said...

It’s the perfect time of year to remind ourselves of the content of your poem.
Wouldn’t it be good if we could always follow your advice.

Thank you for telling me about your stepfather. I wish him well. Did he have paroxysmal AF?

I’ve been told I’m not a suitable candidate and that sometimes things go wrong. Perhaps I’ll get another opinion.

Karen Mortensen said...

Beautiful and true words.

jen said...

"own the mood I feed."

I needed that kickstart this am.

Thanks. I'm feeding the happy one and trying to starve the grumpy one!

Unknown said...

Such a beautiful poem with a beautiful message! You are so talented!

Thanks for sharing!


yaya said...

Keeping positive and upbeat was the focus for our department last year. We did pretty good but it's something that needs reviewing and encouraging. Love your poem! I may have to share this when I go back from sick leave.

karen said...

Yes, we CAN turn the tide most of the time. But we have to WANT to. I have to remember my tendency to wallow and snap myself out of it.

Karen Sue said...

love this!
Happy day, friend!

Gail said...

I read your creations and am in awe of your talent. I should not be surprised but EVERY time, I think this is the best then you do one more. Thank you.

Granny said, "Pretty is as pretty does."