Saturday, April 19, 2014

Victory: Mission Accomplished!

Well, it's a happy day! I promised myself I would accomplish my goals this year, and I've managed to finish this one before April is even over. Yep, my brand new poetry website is finally up and running…and I have to admit that I am thrilled with the result. I feel like we kept every element of the old site that I loved while managing to update the mechanics, optimize the appearance, and improve navigation. What's more, it's going to be a lot better for the kind of organic SEO every good website needs. And hey, it looks sharp, right?

I'm still working on my weight loss goal, but I have made some serious strides on that, too…though the spiritual goals may have taken a bit of a back seat to this whole poetry site thing. Having said that, I am currently refocusing my energies in that direction…

And I plan to be posting here more regularly again, so I hope you will be kind enough to welcome me back into the neighborhood. (Because I really like living here.)


PS. Sure would love to hear what you think about the new site, especially the looks and navigation. Is there anything confusing? Thanks!

for more V posts, click here


  1. Well done, Susan! I had a peek - looked some of the Life Lessons and will be back. What an accomplishment. It sounds as though both of us have been h'ors de combat as far as blogs go for the last little while. Welcome back - I like this connection!

  2. Sue, I loved the new site and will put the link on mine. I am still on a blogging vacation but did one today. I like you will be back soon. I miss reading the blogs.
    Hope you have a very Happy Easter Day.
    Blessings and hugs!

  3. I love it!!! Congrats on achieving your goals!

  4. Good for you. Keep up the good work on reaching your goals.

  5. your tree and bird header...its clean, artistic and easy to navigate...very nicely done...

  6. Congrats, Susan!

    Am over there now...!

  7. Your website looks very nice ! Well presented ! For weight loss I can recommend apples ! Each time you are hungry eat an apple ! It contains 0 calories !

  8. Great job revamping your poetry site, Sue! I agree it's easier to navigate than your old one. It's reader friendly. Congrats on meeting that goal!

  9. It's ticks all round from me and I'm pretty sure your going to get an A++++ from Miss Jenny too. I love your poetry blog, it is great the way you have the photos with your words.
    I'm sure the other goals will be easily met now, just don't sit in front of your computer with a bar of chocolate admiring your new blog!!!
    Have a very happy Easter

  10. Good to hear about your victories and love the look of your new blog ~ thanks for your well wished also ~ xoxo

    artmusedog and carol (A Creative Harbor)

  11. I have to check it out! I seem to always be catching up but I try really hard to visit everyone at some point. Have a wonderful week and it is good to stop here and say hi! Hugs, Anne

  12. It looks great! Hooray for reaching that goal!

  13. Hi Sue! You really HAVE been a busy lady! Working on a new website, working on weight-loss goals, continuing to write, etc!! Congrats on all your accomplishments!! The new site is visually very appealing....I just need to take the time to actually read more of it! But, I promise I will!! Love ya!

  14. I love the layout and how easy it is to find the sort of poem I'm in the mood for. Beautifully done!

  15. It looks really great. Way to go. That is no small feat, I know.

  16. Sue, this new poetry website is a real treat to "noodle" around in! I have revisited some of my old favorites and have found some that I had never seen. I can't wait to get back to my perusing of your wonderful poems. Many thanks!

  17. Sue, this new poetry website is a real treat to "noodle" around in! I have revisited some of my old favorites and have found some that I had never seen. I can't wait to get back to my perusing of your wonderful poems. Many thanks!
