Friday, February 21, 2014

Setting Up House

Universal Studios lot, Instagram by sessepien

Setting Up House
©2014 Susan Noyes Anderson

It was early days, year one.
Two dreamers at the
gate of wedded bliss.

We found a space that suited.
Used brick. Wood floors. Old,
to give us history.

Weekends we combed farm towns,
haggled with owners over
breakfronts and buffets.

Antiquity beguiled us.
We refinished, polished,
gloried in the sheen.

Secured green plants: fern daughters,
ivy sons. And pussy willows,
naming them like pets.

Our life was magic. Magic.
Oh the innocence,
those days we wandered free.


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Helen said...

Really enjoyed this poetic journey in time ....

Grandma Honey said...

And so much we didn't know in our journey but we learned a long the way. If I could go back now and do it all over again I'd sure have a different perspective.

Donna said...

Yes, we had days like that too, Sue. We had a black and white portable tv, our only one, that we bought at a garage sale. It had an ugly enamel covering so I painted it yellow and put daisy stickers all over it. We thought it was the coolest thing ever...ha!

Unknown said...

A friend of mine is renovating. I have to share this with him.

Karen Mortensen said...

You did a good job as always. It is fun to look back on those early days.

21 Wits said...

Those were wonderful days, it surely seems!

jen said...

I loved the plant children image. How have you been? Missed you!

yaya said...

I remember those days quite well..we sat on our orange flowered couch and watched our 13in. black and white tv (like Donna!) and did anything that was cheap but fun and thought life couldn't get any better! Your poem brought back some fond memories!

Unknown said...

My newly married daughter will one day appreciate their early days...but not yet. :)

LeAnn said...

Oh, I remember feeling like this once upon a time. It didn't last long due to having to get to work.
Another awesome piece of poetry.
Blessings and hugs for this one!

Anonymous said...

This is so true! Life was so simple when we first got married.

Karen Sue said...

Hello Sue!
Yes those early, starting out years. I was just thinking a few days ago how I used to go to auctions all the time with my sister in law and I haven't been in a loooong time. I don't know if they aren't having as many auctions as they used to, or if I'm just not looking. It was cheap entertainment and we had a lot of fun and got some good deals! have a great day!

karen said...

That was just lovely. Takes me back to some sweet times before life got all complicated. I wouldn't trade what I have now, but there's a lot to be said for those innocent newlywed days with so many years stretched ahead of you.

Simple Home said...

Very sweet. Takes me back to the beginnings of a young marriage we all remember :)