Wednesday, December 11, 2013

Devotional: A Child Was Born

A Christmas lyric by Susan Noyes Anderson
All Rights Reserved

I wonder just how Mary felt, when visited one day,
by Gabriel, who understood the role that she would play.

in bringing forth the Savior and nurturing with care
the precious little baby she would soon be called to bear.

I wonder what was in the mind of Joseph as he prayed.
Though he could not find shelter, he pressed forward, unafraid.

The road to Bethlehem was long and hard; the birth drew nigh…
but Joseph knew, and Mary too, the Father would provide.

Alleluia, the voices joined through all the years.
Noel, noel, the Son of Man was born.


Ring, Christmas bells, as music swells
in joyful hearts of men set free

We were lost, but now we’re found eternally,
and it all began that sacred Christmas morn.

I wonder if the shepherds spoke or uttered not a word,
as heavenly voices filled the air and every soul was stirred.

One star stood out from all the rest above a manger bare;
the Light of all the World in Mary’s arms was cradled there.

I wonder if the animals were gathered all around
and sensing His divinity, looked on without a sound.

Created by His hand, perhaps their natures were subdued
in reverence as they shared the comfort of that stable rude.

Alleluia, the voices joined through all the years.
Noel, noel, the Son of Man was born.

Ring, Christmas bells, as music swells
in joyful hearts of men set free

We were lost, but now we’re found eternally,
and it all began that sacred Christmas morn.

I wonder why the world has not remembered Christmas Day.
His sacred birth is often lost in meaningless display.

A Child was born, a Child was born…the Savior came to earth
to live for us and die for us; come celebrate the birth!

Alleluia, the voices joined through all the years.
Noel, noel, the Son of Man was born.

Ring, Christmas bells, as music swells
in joyful hearts of men set free

We were lost, but now we’re found eternally,
and it all began that sacred Christmas morn.

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  1. Wonderful words and fantastic photos.

  2. Lovely post and photos for D ~ Devotional and the wonderful Christmas story ~ thanks, carol, xxx

  3. I agree with beautiful! Merry Christmas to you and yours

  4. i will ring those bells...smiles.
    i cant help but marvel at the faith of mary...and of joseph...what they were called to do...and in the position they were in...they were def strong people...

    hope you have a wonderful christmas sue...

  5. This is so beautiful. I loved that line that said, we are found eternally. Wow!

  6. This was so beautiful and helpful for reminding me of what the first Christmas must have been like. Thanks for your beautiful words set to pictures! :)

  7. Yes, it is really nice post about Christmas !

  8. Words and images beautifully matched !

    Great D post!

  9. Delightful poem to stir the heart and mind of why we celebrate Christmas morn. Thanks for sharing this devotional this blessed season, as we rejoice for the greatest gift to man came down to earth in the form of a child.

  10. Sue, I wish I had the words to tell you how much I love your poetry. This was just lovely. It is a wondrous story told in a beautiful way. The pictures always are always a perfect match. I will perhaps read this to my family when we gather on the 22nd.
    Blessings, love and hugs to you dear friend.
    If you get a moment update me on your Mom. I think of her often.

  11. I loved how you tried to picture the animals and their natures in the presence of the Divine. Wish you were posting more often. I miss you!

  12. We were lost and now we are eternally found. All because of Him. Beautiful, Sue.

  13. Merry Christmas, Sue! Thanks for this wonderful post.

  14. Merry Christmas, Sue! Thanks for this wonderful post.

  15. Perfect for the season. I love all the pics that you have with your poem. I often wonder about Mary and her own thoughts at that special birth. Did she truly understand his mission on earth at that time?

  16. I love your poetry. And this was perfect for the celebration of the birth of Jesus....lost but now found because of Him!

    Blessings & Aloha!
    Thank you for stopping over last week! I am catching up on my return thank you visits :o)

  17. Your words are always lovely and the pictures are beautiful. I love your thoughts on this one.
    Blessings and hugs!

  18. Wonderful dedication to a joyous day...

    Thanks for linking to the letter "D"!

    Delightful post!

