Tuesday, November 26, 2013

Blessed (and Grateful) Be

Sometimes my heart is washed in tears,
or overcome by foolish fears,

but most days find me safe from harm
with all I need to keep me warm.

 Though every life has best and worst,
I should be grateful last and first

for gifts I’m given, large and small,
that show me God is over all.

Tall trees rise up, embracing sky,
in colors pleasing to the eye.

My spirits soar as shades of blue
emerge through leaves of changing hue.

Each budding branch of early spring
erupts in anthems sparrows sing.

My fingers brush the velvet skins
of blossoms, and new life begins.

 My feet are grounded in the earth,
and they have carried me since birth

to places near and places far,
traveling under sun and star.

My fate belongs to me alone,
compelled by neither king nor throne.

I choose the pathway I will trod,
a freedom granted me by God.

 Words are my joy, their power profound:
unspoken, parsed, released to sound

or written on an empty page,
the hearts of others to engage.

 A family gathers ‘round me near:
loyal husband, children dear,

mother kind and father rare,
brothers and sisters beyond compare.

These golden treasures feed my soul,
comfort me, and make me whole.

The morning dawns and yields to night.
Sunrise. Sundown. All is right.

I offer gratitude each day,
my thanks a gentle price to pay

for blessings large and blessings small
that God extends to one and all.


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  1. May I be the first here to wish you Happy Thanksgiving, my friend. May you be surrounded by family and joy all weekend!

  2. This is beautiful! Happy Thanksgiving;0

  3. Very sweet Sue. Your gift to all of us is your talent of words.

  4. Blessed and Grateful I....to have you as a friend.

  5. Beautifully written. You have much to be thankful for. Hooray! Happy Thanksgiving!

  6. Beautiful thoughts and pictures thanks Sue!

  7. Happy Thanksgiving to you Sue..you said it so beautifully! Please give your Mom a hug if you see her from me..I think of her often.

  8. So exquisitely written - hope you had a great Thanksgiving Day!

  9. I love this post. It fills me with peace and hope.

  10. That was lovely and inspiring, and with such beautiful photos...

  11. Yes, wonderful, this beautiful union of words and photos are pure art, beautiful!

  12. Blessed be to you ~ marvelous words and photos ~ all very creative and wonderful messages ~ carol, xxx

  13. This is remarkable! The song that began, as I came to your blog, was "Tis a Gift to Be Simple." It was the closing hymn at church today and I wrote it in my calendar for the day! I feel blessed! {:-Deb
    PS Pretty artwork!

  14. I always love the pictures you get to go along with your poems. The duo is always so moving. Happy Thanksgiving to you, too!

  15. so beautiful...i hope you had a great thanksgiving...we had a spot of snow, so bare feet only in the house...smiles....enjoyed the pictures as well...

  16. I think this one of my favorite poems. The pictures and words were wonderful. What a gift you have. Have you entered your poetry in the Ensign or other magazines. I assume you have.
    Loved this one; it was a true moment of gratitude.

  17. There is so much emotion expressed in your writing...

    Beautiful post for the letter "B"!

    Thanks for linking.


  18. Hope you had a beautiful Thanksgiving and a sweet Christmas ahead. I always feel so encouraged after I've stopped in and read some of your posts. :)
