Friday, November 22, 2013

Alphabet Rebellion

                    b          c
Alphabet Rebellion
 ©1991 Susan Noyes Anderson

I'm dotting every I, and
I am crossing every T.
I'm putting letters down, and
I erase them frequently.

I'm holding whole words hostage
at the point of my pen.
If I don't like the way they look,
I scratch them out again.

G – R – U thinking like I am?
Could our ABCs rebel?
If they went out on a strike,
whatever would we use to spell?


for more A posts, click below


EG CameraGirl said...

Yep, you made me smile, Sue. :))

jen said...

Most people nowadays don't spell things correctly anyway. Therefore, most people, unfortunately, wouldn't miss them.

And that's the sad, honest truth.

21 Wits said...

Oh gee, some that it might spell, better left unsaid! hehehehe! No not really. The A-B-C's of how wonderful it is to be alive!!!!

Anonymous said...

What a fun post and poetry ~ thanks, carol xxx

Happy Weekend to you. ^_^

Brian Miller said...

ha. my alphabet and i like to play games....and i scratch a few out here and there as well...smiles. have a lovely weekend...

Grandma Honey said...

That sounds like what I do just because I forget words and how to spell them!

Ingrid said...

Lol ! that's really nicely said !

Splendid Little Stars said...

What an awful thought!

Personalized Sketches and Sentiments said...

Haha! I love your rhyme and reasoning... Boy, oh, boy...the A B Cs are certainly important :o)

Blessings & Aloha!
Thank you for stopping over too :o)

And definitely, being a grandma is so, so, so much fun :o)

Grandma Yellow Hair said...

I know myself I need to go back to school and take spelling all over again. hahaha
Hope your having a wonderful weekend.

yaya said...

I think this post spelled: F U N...!

lissa said...

what a fun poem! just perfect for the new round of alphabe-thursday.

hope you have a great day.

Anonymous said...

This poem sounds like the opening of a children's book.

Amy said...

:) I am teaching my kids the ABC's. The proper way to write them and it is hard work for us both! I am sure this poem would resonate with them.

Jenny said...

As long as I have '!!!!' I think I could survive for a short while!


Thanks for an absolutely cute link for the letter "A".


LeAnn said...

This was a fun one. I am smiling on this one.

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