Thursday, October 10, 2013


©2013 Susan Noyes Anderson (poem only)

What lovelier way to unwind can be found
than to visit a realm where ideas abound?

As the mind wanders free to unfetter the heart,
serendipity sweeps in; and worlds far apart

are conjoined in the rush of imagined and real,
rearranging the way that we see, think, and feel.

On the wings of such liberty, worries take flight.
Possibilities bloom in a field of delight.

Any spirit can soar when the very sky sings
of creation and all the good gifts that it brings.

Is it true? And if so, where on earth does one look?
Ah, that's easy, my friend. Simply open a book.

©2013 Susan Noyes Anderson

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  1. Super fantastic and the music and photos were perfect.

  2. so true...books were my refuge and escape for many a year...i would love to visit the floating island planet pics....

  3. So creative and delightful! Your poem is wonderful and lovely photos for U ~ Happy Weekend to you ~ carol

  4. How I love to read and can't imagine a day without a story to slip into! I use every minute of my break and lunch time at work with my head in a book..or my Kindle! Your poems are wonderful and always get the feelings and points across beautifully!

  5. what gorgeous pics you have posted to depict 'unwind'. thanks for sharing them.

  6. This comment has been removed by the author.

  7. Yes, this is so true; we can just open a book and imagine. This was a very creative poem and the pictures were perfect for the thoughts
    Blessings and hugs!

  8. I love the pictures you always pair with your poems. They say almost as much as your words. And the topic of this one is one of my favorites! Love it!

  9. Nice, I want to relax as well, I love books!

  10. *U*nique and *u*nrivalled thoughts and images for*u*nwinding!

  11. A lovely poem, and fabulous pics to go along with it! I believe you have outdone yourself with this one!
    Books have been a daily part of my life since I learned to read, and that was a long, long time ago! So many books to read yet!

  12. How true Sue but only you could open our minds to such creativity.
    Lovely words with gorgeous pics too.

  13. Sometimes I think I would rather read about things than actually do them. Sometimes.

  14. Beautiful. Love the pictures that you found.

  15. So true - a good book can take me away like nothing else!

  16. Lovely post! I look to books all the time to gt away!

  17. The best place to get lost and to be found. Really uplifting poem, Sue.

  18. For sure! I find reading perfect for unwinding.

  19. Books truly allow you to travel to faraway places! Well done!

  20. One of the YW in my ward asked me if I would read the Fablehaven series since it's her favorite. I'm addicted!! My mind is truly in another world when I'm reading. I LOVE books!

  21. Books can open up unimaginable universes...

    Very unique post for the letter "U"!

    Thanks for linking.


  22. I'm back from my blog hiatus and am making my way around blogosphere to visit all of my lovelies who came by while I was gone. I love how whimsical this poem made me feel. Great job!
