Wednesday, August 21, 2013

Never Give Up

Never, never, never give up.
Winston Churchill
(Not on the world, and not on each other.)  

The Power is Ours
©2013 Susan Noyes Anderson

If every star in heaven's sky surrendered to the night,
perhaps the moon would lose heart and concede the steady light
that anchors every one of us until the sun's return.
Our universe has much to teach us; will we watch and learn?

The brightness sought by all mankind is carried in each soul,
a birthright and a legacy to make our spirits whole.
The power is ours to be the stars that grace each other's skies
or vanish into darkness, vanquished by our own disguise.

{keep shining}

for more N posts, click here


21 Wits said...

Now you are talking! Your lovely words spark fires within! No matter what I shall never, never give up either!

Anonymous said...

Oh such a loving and inspiring post and beautiful photos ~ thanks, carol, xo

lissa said...

wise words! now if only I can really follow it.

hope you have a sweet day.

karen said...

This is beautiful - I'm going to remember this one as it's something I need to always be reminded of. It's hard to realize we can make a difference if we will just "step forward." Very inspirational.

My name is Riet said...

Those are such wise words, I wish I could live up to it sometimes. Have a nice week.

Nancy said...

Lovely words. I usually try to keep on going, unless it involves a project that just needs to stop (like knitting, which I suck at.)

Have a super Thursday Sue!

Lola said...

Such inspirational words - now must follow them!

Debra at HOMESPUN: said...

Such a beautiful and inspiring post! :)

4 Lettre Words said...

Oh, this is beautiful, Sue...and so, so true!

VBR said...

Very nice post!

SarahBeth said...

Lovely words and photos!

Leovi said...

Yes, wonderful message. I hope that always accompany me in difficult times!

Anonymous said...

You have done it again! We do have the power to effect people's lives.

Grandma Honey said...

It would be easy to get it the 'what does it matter' mode when we are living right on the battle ground these days. Great message Sue!

Personalized Sketches and Sentiments said...

Beautiful poetry and quotes! Have a wonderful, wonderful week!

Blessings & Aloha!
Thank you so much for your visit! Whew! I am soooo happy that my tea dying adventure turned out how I hoped :o)

LeAnn said...

This was a lovely and inspiring poem. You are amazing and I probably tell you every time.
There is much wisdom in this one.
Blessings and hugs!

Ingrid said...

That's true ! I never give up when I have something in mind :) !

Cathy Kennedy said...

What encouraging words to keep up the fight whatever it may be because it's only through one's perseverance that one triumphs.

Splendid Little Stars said...

I especially like this line: The power is ours to be the stars that grace each other's skies"

CB said...

The brightness sought by all mankind is carried in each soul...

I love this. It is true and really resonated with me. We all carry a light inside and we can share that with others.

Brian Miller said...

oh my...i like...i would hope the moon not give up....carrying the light within, oh i am a believer....smiles.

EG CameraGirl said...

Great advice to not give in to discouragement about the darkness all around us!

Amy said...

What wisdom we could learn from the earth and nature if we only let it. Beautiful!

Jenny said...

Never, never, never stop sharing your thoughts with us...

Your words flow so naturally and the message in them hit really near to my heart!

Nice post for the letter "N"!

Thanks for linking.
