Thursday, March 14, 2013

Quirky Is as Quirky Does

It's as clear as the hats on my head: I'm getting quirky in my old age. (Do you think 60 is old enough to qualify?) I sure hope so; otherwise, I have no excuse at all. And I NEED an excuse for all of this:

You see, I have taken to wearing chapeaux...funky ones...curious cloches of varying colors and fabrics. (And yes, the box beneath these bounteous bonnets holds a new one I haven't quite been able to bring myself to put in the last remaining space.)

I am also, perish the thought, dosing myself daily with essential oils (shades of my grandma) for every ailment known to man or woman and have actually convinced myself that they are helping.

Last but frighteningly far from least, I am officially wearing purple––purple dresses, purple hats, and even purple earrings––on a regular basis. In fact, it has become one of my favorite colors. (And I'm sorry to say there are more where these came from.) Considerably more.

I could go on, but let's not belabor it.

 We'll just leave it at quirky.


 for more Q posts, click below


  1. Well, let's see... purple clothes, and I checked: you have a red hat. You can now join the Red Hat Society! Seriously, I love all the hats, and I'm curious about the one in the box. You may be quirky, but between you and me, quirky is something I require in all of my close friends. Makes you sooooo much more interesting, you see. Multi-faceted. And that's a Good Thing, to quote Martha Stewart.

  2. I'm not to sixty yet but close.

    My favorite color has been purple for years.

    I love your hats.

  3. The hats! So fab! I often wish we lived back in the day of hats . . . Glad you're living my dream.

  4. That is the style of hat that actually looks good on me! I'm betting they look wonderful on you and I love them all. I love quirky too...However, I'm a bit embarrassed that you used my red hat society membership card picture on your blog...but I love ya anyway!

  5. I love this post! Yes the hats are a little quirky, but there's nothing bad about purple clothes. Purple is my favourite colour so I wear it often! :-)

  6. Yay for you, Sue! I love hats, but do not look good in them! My head is really small and I have baby fine hair. Every time I try on a hat, it looks ridiculous, unless I get it in the Girls Department! I've taken to wearing scarves around my neck, which I never used to do. So, that's MY thing, I guess! The older we get, the less we care about what others think, etc. We have been set FREE!! Go Girl!

  7. I love hats too! You just gave a great idea for a blog post. Thanks.

  8. Good for you Sue! i didn't know this about you, but I love it!

    I really wish you'd do a post on your essential oils....what you use for what. I am just beginning to learn.

  9. I like your styles and colors of hats and I have hats too; also, purple and lavender are fab colors, so we are on the same page.

  10. Wonderful hats! Have you joined the Red Hats?

  11. You go for it! I went shopping last week and bought........a hat! They make me feel quite well turned-out!

  12. I say, you can never have enough purple. Or enough hats. Carry on!

  13. love the hats, love the purple, and love funky..:)

  14. I remember when my aunt sent me the poem about weraing purple and I thought NONEVER but 50 I find myself being attracted to this vibrant colour. ALso when I am brave enough to allow my hair to age gracefully I thing grey and peurple blen.
    I love all your hats I am not a hat person , wish I was I get cold.
    Excellent enjoyable and quality post

  15. Hahaha! Quirky people are my favourites!

  16. I love purple too, and sometimes also hats !

  17. Hahaha! Quirky people are my favorites - they are always so interesting to talk to!

    Lovely post, Sue - as always!

  18. Where do you find your cloches? It's such a perfect shape. Happy to find another hat lady!

  19. Yes, I like that nice collection of hats, precious pictures.

  20. I was never a hat person -- my frizzy wavy hair does not look good under a hat -- but I'm ALL for purple, Sue! Purple is also my daughter's favorite color and she made the baby's nursery in shades of purple so my granddaughter will probably also grow up to love it!

  21. ha....quirky is cool....and purple is royal...maybe it is the inner queen coming out in you a bit...smiles...

  22. Quirky is funky and fun ~ Good for you with the Chapeaux ~ enjoy ^_^

  23. Welcome to the fun side of Sixty and over.
    I love your collection of hats. You are just too funny and I bet darling when your in your purple.
    Glad you shared your quirky side with us.
    Enjoy your weekend

  24. hats are wonderful tools to express how we feel, what we are going to do, where we are going! love this quirky post for q.
    ps. NO! 60 is no where near old. I read somewhere that 70 is the new 50. so you are not even middle aged yet!!


  25. Wow Sue, I had no idea you had that many hats. Surely you haven't purchased them all since you first told me that you thought your hair was thinning? What are you trying to do, cover it up?

    Seriously, I sorta do like hats, but haven't resorted to wearing them myself. I would love to see a picture of YOU wearing one though.

    By the way, I do love purple and I have a few things in that color too. Every time I wear it, I get compliments, so maybe "older" people just look good in purple.

    Yes, Grandma Noyes really did take good care of her face, and all her body for that matter, with her essential oils. Maybe that is why her skin looked so fabulous at the age of 93. I know I should have listened more to a lot of the things she wanted me to do.

  26. quite frightening!
    Seriously, if one can't be quirky, what fun is life?!
    Purple is a most beauteous color!
    I use essential oils,too. But I think using them means you're young and hip!

  27. You need to change your profile photo, the colours aren't right.

    Have you started to run your stick along the railings yet?

  28. :)

    Red Hat Society on the agenda too?

  29. "When I get old I will wear purple"... I think I kind of did that, and have come back to calmer colors again! Full circle, I guess!

  30. LOVE it!!! my husbands mother wears hats (a lot of purple ones!) everywhere she is kind of her trademark that actually I have grown to like!

  31. hats are great... wish my hair showed more when I wear one. Guess I just have to keep looking for the perfect one!

  32. You have fun quirks...especially the purple! :) I used to wear hats all the time in college, but my husband hates them. I may have to break him of it one of these days though. :)

  33. Those hats are gorgeous! Where did you get them all?! I love hats, but alas, with curly hair, I just look like a clown when I wear them. You know, little hat, big bushy hair. I am glad you can pull them off.
    You are not quirky, just stylish! Purple clothes, hats, yummy smelling oils, the whole bit.

  34. I just wanna see your underwear! ha! I bet they are quirky and fancy.

    And not in an ... ummm... weird sort of way!

    Love your hats!

    Love your clothes!

    Love your style girl!

    You are quite a wonderful original!

