Sunday, March 31, 2013

Living Water: Cleansing the Disciples

©2011 Susan Noyes Anderson

Leather sandals, dusty feet,
soles worn out in service.
Lessons taught, lessons learned;
stilled souls waiting, nervous.
Passover dawns bittersweet;
bodies tense against the day.
Disciples listen. Master’s words
pass over them and slip away.
Confusion, fear; can it be true?
A Sword of Might should be their Lord.
He kneels, a servant at their feet.
“Nay, bathe us not,” their tongues implore.
He answers: If ye would have part
with me, then yield to mine own hand.
This Living Water washes soles of feet
and cleanses souls of man.
Alas, they did not understand.

A lifetime later, at the cross,
their broken hearts knew well the cost.
He rose again and made them whole:
mind and body, sole and soul.



  1. Happy Easter! Hallelujah to this wonder that never grows old!

  2. he is risen indeed.

    happy easter.
    and may we always look to his example in how we are to love and serve one another.

  3. Very lovely, Sue. Have a wonderful Easter today, and please also give my best to your sweet Mom.

  4. So beautiful, Sue. Happy Easter to you and yours!

  5. I do hope you had a lovely Easter Day. I loved your poem and the thoughts on the Apostles and our dear Savior.
    Blessings and love to you dear friend.

  6. Easter blessings to you and your family!

  7. Beautifully written as always, Sue. I hope you enjoyed a joyous Easter.

  8. As my grandmother always used to say "That just made my heart soar!" So meaningful and beautiful, Sue.
