Monday, March 11, 2013


Meal Beach, Burra Isles, Shetland by Robin Gosnall

Written while visiting our friends' amazing beach house 
in Oceanside California (really worth a look if you have time).

©Susan Noyes Anderson

What is this thing that draws me to the sea?
 What passion rises with each white-capped swell
 to churn upon a watery carousel
and break in frothy secrets, spilling free?
The foaming, reckless water quiets me
 in darkly hidden places, guarded well,
 probing the inner reaches of a shell
whose blushed walls glow with bright intensity.
 I love this ocean pounding on the shore,
untamed and unashamed in all its might;
 It rolls and crests and dives and rolls some more,
unbound by man and law and grief and fright.
 The sea engulfs me, draws my answering roar,
sends waves of darkness crashing into light.

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  1. Oh, this is lovely Sue. I especially like the line, " It rolls and crests and dives and rolls some more, unbound by man and law and grief and fright." It sounds wonderful aloud.

  2. "The foaming reckless water quiets me", I love the ocean too, and live a few blocks away so see it every day.

  3. Oh I love this ! great lilting
    piece-goes with the tune!

  4. it is the rhythm that draws me to its shores...the consistency in its roll...and the sound of its heart...smiles....

  5. Oh my lucky you! You speak my words of the sea- and the music it's just an added treat, it doesn't get any better than this!

  6. I can hear the ocean roar in your words. I too love the ocean. I grew up on the East Coast.

  7. I guess it's nice to have friends in high places, but I think you did better with friends in beautiful places! I remember that "cottage" from the post you did before and revisiting it was a your poem! I love the ocean too and I'm looking forward to seeing it when we go to Portland, Ore in a few weeks. It's a little bit of a drive, but I'm not getting that close and missing it!

  8. I sure wish I wasn't 12 hours from beautiful ocean. It makes me happy. Are you safe from the earthquakes out there?

  9. Oh, I like that! I think you have put into words what draws us all to the ocean.

  10. helps me understand why I love the beach.

  11. I love the ocean.

    I hate the sand.

    It's a horrible conundrum, isn't it?

  12. You've got a way with words. I miss the ocean now.

  13. I love the sea - it forever calls me...

    (Love the beach house too!)

    Anna :o]

  14. I suppose floating in a womb must be like the sea, very soulful , Sue, thanks

  15. Beautiful, Sue. I'm drawn to the sea, too. I just love it.

  16. Ah, know me and the ocean. It's a love affair. Beautifully written.

  17. Iambic pentameter,no less. Not easy to do, and you did it beautifully...

  18. I like the way unashamed plays off untamed...nice...

  19. A well-crafted poem which conveys the mood perfectly.

  20. this was a delightful write..really enjoyed this line..

    and break in frothy secrets, spilling free?

  21. I really love this poe, Sue, its words, their rhythm, its magic. Just beautiful.

  22. I love the sea, too, love living a safe but small distance from the "watery carousel." Brava!

  23. I love the photo! Wow. The words, too. You have a gift.
