Tuesday, November 6, 2012

Vote Hopes

My hope for today is that every vote counted (for either candidate) will be an honest one, cast by a registered, living-and-breathing citizen exercising his or her freedom to voice political opinions in the way that matters most.

May the victor find the wisdom and guidance to do what is right for our country in these difficult times.


  1. Yes, and isn't is scary to think that on top of everything else there could be voter fraud? What a tense evening.

  2. I'm feeling a bit nervous tonight....

  3. Sue, it is an interesting country we live in.

  4. my hope is that here in the after that we can come together once more and begin healing the division within our country...

  5. Voter fraud? This is America. Land of the free, home of the brave. God's land. It would never happen.

  6. Hang onto your hats . . . will be interesting to see where the next four years take us . . . ummm . . . preparedness is taking on a whole meaning in our household.


  7. AUGH!! I'm not taking this well... not well at all...

  8. yes, the dishonesty that abounds is rather scary. When the votes are in and counted, will we know for sure??

  9. It was my first time voting, and somewhat anticlimactic. But since I have now done it, and know how, I will not miss another election. What an anticipation filled day, though!
