Saturday, November 3, 2012

A June Wedding

I'm attending a baptism in less than an hour, so I've gotta get this Saturday Centus done in a hurry! Thankfully, Jenny has eased my way with a phrase that got my creative juices flowing pretty well this morning. She has given us 100 words plus the prompt (in italics, below) to get the job done.

 June Wedding
 ©2012 Susan Noyes Anderson

"Thirty days hath September,
April, June, and November."
This I muttered to myself,
pulling pamphlets off the shelf.

My eyes teared up at thoughts of June
(my daughter's name) and all too soon
her wedding date. It can't be true.
Just yesterday, the kid was two!

I'd saved brochures and books galore
but now I yearn to bar the door
and keep her under lock and key
(or send her to a nunnery).

How did the years fly by so fast?
I thought this day would be a blast,
but it's a bust. My heart may burst!
That's why I choose June 31st.


PS. I should clarify that this is not autobiographical. My daughter married at the age of 30, so we had lots of time with her. When the day came to choose her wedding date, I was nothing but delighted.


  1. Love your poem Sue and your clever sense of humor too ;)

  2. You're funny. You may have noticed I'm backing out of SC and AT....just don't have enough time to pursue it and that takes the fun out of it...:(

  3. june 31st...haha...cling to her while you can...smiles...ah they do grow up way too fast....

  4. There are many occasions that I wished for a June 31st! It's hard to let them go...sometimes...sometimes is great to see them fly. I don't have daughters but sons can bring a tear or two also. Have a great weekend. We turn our clocks back..makes it dark so early! I guess it's really going to happen..winter that is!

  5. My daughter's are grown as well now...I am enjoying them in their twenties but still wish I could go back to when they were younger just for a weekend visit.

  6. I loved it! And, since I just attended my son's wedding, I could identify with a few of the feelings you expressed!

  7. A sweet poem for sure. I too wonder where the years have went. How quickly time has flown by and they are not awesome adults. You are amazing at coming up with your poems. Thanks, Sue for your comments on my blog. I admire you very much!
    Blessings and hugs!

  8. Oh too funny- it reminds me of my favorite answer when I really don't want (my child/grandchild now) to do something-- Okay on the second Tuesday of the week you can! Ha! Ha! Totally like the way you think ...and write, I hope you enjoyed your day- blessings for all!

  9. haha! Fun verses! I know that for many, many parents, this is expresses similar feelings :o) It is amazing to see how time does fly by!

    Blessings & Aloha!
    I am at our daughter, son in law, and grandbaby's home visiting, but wanted to stop by and say thank you for your lovely visit! & I hope you are able to stop by again Nov 9th when I share the fun coin purse hop that I joined. & Thank you also for always leaving a sweet comment!

  10. My guy is growing up so fast. We are praying for the girl he will marry, but hope he meets her when he is in his mid twenties.

  11. too funny. When the music started I was sure it was scary Halloween music and it was the wedding march!! No, I don't think getting married is scary! At least I didn't think so!

  12. Surely you didn't write this within the hour you had to get to the babtism on time. It is a funny poem and a great play on the centus. You are the best......I loved your ending.

  13. You are so clever! I love it! And June 31st should be a lovely day for your daughter's wedding. :))

  14. Heeheheheh - so cute :) It actually may be fictional in your case but it was sounding like a familiar thought to me . . . my youngest and only unmarried child is 21 and I'm thinking she needs to be at least 30 before she gets married :)


  15. :) I am sure I will feel the same way when my daughter is ready to marry. What a sweet poem!

  16. This made me weepy, Miss Sue.

    What a beautiful piece of writing!

    I love visiting you!
