I have to thank Jenny for a GREAT Saturday Centus prompt today, highlighted below in red. As those of you who know me can well imagine, this one sorta speaks to me!

"It's only words. And words are all I have..."
Her friend responded softly, "Only words?...
What a sweet and touching post, Sue. I have been at the beach today with the dog children so I haven't even started mine yet. No matter what I come up with, yours will be better.
I like it that words can make one feel good or bad but mostly it's the good ones that I like.
great SC. have a great day.
Your words are always magic for me. But this photo with the words wrapping throughout the photo! That is incredible!
I love when I can escape into the world of words and when that same world can set me back on course. A picture can say a thousand words and yours, along with the prose, says it all! I talked to your Mom today and I hope they are feeling better. Have a good rest of this weekend!
our words carry much power...and responsibility....they give life...and take it away...
Words DO matter. I wish more people would be more thoughtful in their choice of words...it would be a happier, more peaceful world. xo
A woman of few words with a powerful message. Beautifully done.
Beautifully written and illustrated. Wonderful!
What a beautiful post! You pictures say it all so well! Great job!
"your" pictures...sheesh!
How beautiful,Sue! Words are powerful.
You are such an inspiration! My blog is whatshawtnow.blogspot.com
I hope you visit & like mine!
Oh Sue. That is amazing. Love it.
This is beautiful, Sue. Your photos are so cool too. laurie @ http://dealingwithmyinnercritic.blogspot.com/
Another one I love! I think I'd like to print this one out and keep it where I can see it. Sometimes my words come out way too fast, and my brain doesn't keep up. And other times my words can work magic. We need to use our power wisely.
A nice balance of words and pictures.
I love the pictures that accompany your post. How often I have felt the words of a good book encircling me in a strong embrace! Words can be so beautiful and harsh at the same time. Very powerful!
So concise! 'Words matter!' I could not have said it better! Lovely mix with the photos too.
Best wishes,
'SC week 123 It's only words...'
Twice in one night, Miss Sue.
I got a shiver from your words.
Your graphics are perfect accompaniments for this lovely word crafting.
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