The inimitable Jenny Matlock set us up with a little "He said, She said" prompt today, and we're even allowed to split it! As you can see, I decided to have some fun with that notion...

Opposites Attract
©2012 Susan Noyes Anderson
He said yes. She said no.
She said high. He said low.
He said dark. She said light.
She said wrong. He said right.
Marry me, he finally said.
She nodded. He shook his head.
He said no and she said yes.
Isn't this a crazy mess?
Sue, this is clever and it made me smile.
Really crazy....and funny..:-)
ha he asked, then said no...what a nut...some people just cant make up their verse sue...hope you are staying cool...
I do believe I actually know that couple!
Delightfully creative!
Hmmm, sounds like my premarriage days.
Love IS crazy. It works, but it doesn't always make sense!
Crazy, but necessary. :)
Maybe quite possibly they are in a heap of a mess but they are such a cute couple!
Thanks for the great laugh, Sue. I needed that as this hasn't been a great day for me. Tomorrow just has to be better.
This was another great post, I am going to have to see some of the other ones now, but don't think yours can be beaten........they rarely are. In fact I can't remember that actually happening....funny thing.
Ha ha. That was a good one.
Been there. Done that. Not fun. Glad I'm in a different stage in life now!
So cute! And I can say that, because this could be Wooten about my husband and myself. We are polar opposites and very much attracted... Somehow. But it is sweet and darling and you make me smile.
Isn't that how all relationships go? :)
Funny and clever! It somehow made me think of that old song "Anything you can do I can do better" - I don't know why exactly :)
Opposites attracting? I say YES! When will he learn that I am always right????
That was so fun! Great centus contribution. laurie
pretty funny!!
reminds me of the Beatles song.
Hmmmm . . . kinda reminds me of a couple I know . . . hmmmm . . .
CUTE! And what timing! Today I have felt that Gil and I are opposites! But in a lovely way, of course! I agree that opposites attract. And life would be boring otherwise!
hey, God has a sense of humor!! just go with it!
Oh Sue! How wonderful!
I loved this quirky little rhyme!
You always impress!
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