Thursday, May 17, 2012

Zada: The Lucky One

Paul Gauguin, The Meal

Zada: (def.) "The Lucky One"
©2012 Susan Noyes Anderson

Zada was woman, "the lucky one."
She fed them from her rich, round bowl---
the milk of human kindness, poi of pain.

The young men waited---watched her shyly---
ate till she was hungry. Slyly
sliced her sweet fruit---supped again, again.

For more Z posts, click here.
 For more Mags, click here.


anitamombanita said...

You're good! :)

Daydreamer said...

Ohhh... sweet... hidden depths in this :)

Laurie Kolp said...

Love the alliteration, Sue, especially poi of pain.

karen said...

Poi of pain... really good, Sue!

jen said...

Hmmm. A great visual image. Well done. How long does something like this take you?

Esther Joy said...

Hmmm, I'm still mulling that one over. It's not one you can read quickly and forget! Love the photo illustration with it.

21 Wits said...

Oh very clever a two for one! I like this!

Rocky Mountain Woman said...

clever, my dear, clever...

Splendid Little Stars said...

so clever! so creative! so imaginative!

The Poet said...

Dear Sue,
So much kindness and affection, even in pain. All humans should be like this. Thanks for sharing.

VBR said...

excellent pairing of illustration and prose!

Annesphamily said...

You write from the depth of your soul! My this is excellent. I appreciate your share. Thank you and visit me soon. Enjoy your weekend.

Unknown said...

As a painter, I like Gaugain's style, but I'm suprised by his failing design in this one!

Judie said...

Aha! The Gauguin again! Excellent, Sue!!

kaykuala said...

This is great alliteration, Sue! Lots of deep meanings here!


Ingrid said...

Nice interpretation for Z !

aspiritofsimplicity said...

Very nice. This is really good.

Unknown said...

I have known a few Zada's. Not me, of course. :)

Anonymous said...

nice alliteraton

Cathy said...

Gives me the shivers...

Lola said...

Hi again!

Visiting from Mrs Matlock’s, many thanks for stopping by.

Great post – great allieration.

Have a great weekend too!

Brian Miller said...

the milk of human kindness, poi of pain...nice contrast wove this pretty tight with surprising depth too sue..

~✽Mumsy✽~ said...

Zada, by definition, I would want to be Zada..

Erika said...

Nice. poi of pain got my attention.

Jenny said...

Poi of pain?

Geez, girl.

Do you EVER write badly.



I'm glad you don't because it's always amaZing to come and see what you have to share!

Sue, thanks for being such an important part of Alphabe-Thursday!

You are a joy and a treasure!

Hugs and A+