Sunday, May 6, 2012

Life Bends

R.A.D. Stainforth

Life Bends
©2012 Susan Noyes Anderson

A river flows around the bend;
no man can see what lies ahead.
What mysteries does this portend
to fill my heart with hope or dread?

The water shimmers calm and clear,
but I have traveled far and wide.
I am no stranger there or here;
no dreamer, drifting toward the tide.

My eyes have seen the changing stream;
my ears have heard the shocking sound...
the end to mild meandering.
I know the roil, the wave, the pound.

I miss the callow calm of youth,
the untried innocence, the ease.
Yet lifeblood must rush on to truth,
and salty tears spill into seas.

Tranquility, ferocity, 
there is no reciprocity.
The rhythm comes; the rhythm goes.
The river ebbs; the river flows.

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  1. i like the alliteration callow climb of youth

    the river

  2. You definitely nailed the bending of life.......

  3. Acknowleding the bends in life yet remaining strong and enthusiastic to move on through them ...

  4. It would be nice to lye on the inner tube of youth well floating down a lazy river. You hit a point well, and brilliantly written

  5. Tranquility, ferocity,
    there is no reciprocity.
    The rhythm comes; the rhythm goes.
    The river ebbs; the river flows. Perfect ending to how life bends many ways.

  6. Oh, very good. I especially like the last two stanzas.

  7. "I miss the callow calm of youth,
    the untried innocence, the ease.
    Yet lifeblood must rush on to truth,
    and salty tears spill into seas."
    this one of those set of lines that I would have liked to have written myself! Really moving ..and such great rhythm in this. Thankyou!

  8. enchanting rhythm in your river there never know what comes around the bend and over time we learn not to fight the flow...the river will take us where we need to go...

  9. Came by earlier today to catch up with you dear Sue but ole blogger would not let me leave u a comment so I am trying again.
    Through this bending of life I have been so fortunate to have your writing to enjoy.
    Love ya

  10. So much wonderful truth...and so artfully crafted. Hats off to you.Vb

  11. Life is such a mystery isn't it? Chapters not written yet. You said it well.

  12. The ebb and flow of the river of life is one thing..I tend to get caught on those darn snags and sandbars! Love the poem Sue!

  13. I only have to look at my mother to know that I can trust that the bends and turns will take me to where I need to be. It's not always easy and life is not always kind, but I know that I will be given the strength to stay the course.
    This was so beautifully written, and touched a chord in me.

  14. I've recently heard some of the graduation seniors in my ward lamenting how hard life is and I wonder, if they can even fathom.
    While their life is certainly flowing...what I wouldn't give to only be facing their turbulent waters. They seem to become more treacherous as the years go by.

  15. that was an excellent poem! kudos, Sue!

  16. This poem is awash with a tidal rhythm that ebbs and flows,in and out of shimmers and tranquility. I love the movement. Thank you for sharing, Sue. =D

  17. A river is so calming and easy to be mesmerized by. Maybe we should just relax a little about watching life go by too.

  18. You are becoming one of my favorite poets! :) Yep, I've been following your posts and a few others doing the Mag posts and just had to give it a try too! Pretty calm photo this week! Karen
    Oh and your song goes well with this too!

  19. Beautifully expressed sue!

  20. Lovely. Life is all like that isn't it. Sometimes calm, sometimes raging and we learn to go with it. Lovely piece Sue.

  21. I love the flow of this poem! Wonderfu!

  22. Lovely close here especially. Very thoughtful and thought- provoking. K

  23. I am very pleased this excellent poem about life, but good memories of that inexperienced youth.

  24. you are such a gifted writer. Lovely poem.

  25. Lovely poem - I especially like the last stanza.

    (Oh, & thanks for liking mine!)

  26. Oh this is really beautiful...very nice...

  27. I miss the callow calm of youth,
    the untried innocence, the ease.
    Yet lifeblood must rush on to truth,
    and salty tears spill into seas.

    How very true,Sue! The innocence of youth often brings tears at some wrong turns. Great write!


  28. the cadence here echoes that of
    a river - well done.

  29. Beautiful..."Lifeblood must rush on to truth"...very rich!

  30. Beautiful. This, in particular:
    "The rhythm comes; the rhythm goes.
    The river ebbs; the river flows."
    The words flow like water. Just perfect.

  31. beautifully stated. Rivers are such a great metaphor for life's twists and turns.

  32. oh so beautiful and true...oh so true

  33. This is so beautifully written, Sue. A vivid expression of life's flow.
    -Judee from write tuit (WP)
