Thursday, May 24, 2012

Arrow of Light

Moving from Webelos to Boy Scouts is an exciting time, and the Arrow of Light ceremony (below) that took place in our grandson's cub scout troop was pretty spectacular. 

 Talk about going all out! These guys really did it up right, didn't they?

Here's a pic of our favorite scout at his final pinewood derby.

I freely admit that the uniform is kind of old-fashioned...

and probably not cool with most young guys...

but I hope the words and principles of this oath will be preserved

for the good of our nation and the people who will determine its future.

In our home, scouting was pretty much a family affair

(the boys and their dad with a bit o' mom behind the scenes),

and we're happy to see the tradition continue

with our grandchildren.

Did you know that a boy who has been a scout for five years is twice as likely to earn a college degree?

110 million Americans have been Boy Scouts, including eleven of the twelve men who have walked on the moon.  Famous Boy Scouts include John F. Kennedy, Walt Disney, John Wayne, Bill Gates, Hank Aaron, Bill Clinton, Sam Walton, Harrison Ford, Paul McCartney, Bob Hope, Norman Rockwell, Gerald Ford, John Glenn, Walter Cronkite, Jimmy Stewart, Nolan Ryan, Michael Bloomberg, Henry Fonda, Joe Theisman, Mark Spitz, and Rick Perry—just to name a few.

“The Boy Scouts of America stands for a set of principles. These principles have a lot of staying power. The values you learn as a Scout are like a compass. They can help you find your way through difficult and sometimes unchartered terrain. The principles of Scouting give you a sense of what’s important. I feel I owe the Boy Scouts a great deal, both personally and professionally.” 
–Bill Bradley, former U.S. senator, New Jersey

I also credit scouting with my boys' love for nature and the great outdoors.


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momto8 said...

congrats to your grandson! I very much enjoyed the pictures and facts about boy scouts.....every boy scout I have ever known graduated from brother was an eagle Scout.

Terra said...

The ceremony looks exciting, and Scouts are the hope of our country. Aren't those great Norman Rockwell paintings?

Brian Miller said...

woo hoo...i was in scouts for a little bit...and i actually know the youngest eagle scout on record...his dad used to be my boss...his brother held the title before him...i think that we should have more ceremony in our lives to mark the progression of growingup and cement those moments...

Ingrid said...

We also have a lot of boyscouts in Belgium. My son however never wanted to be part of them and I hate uniforms for whatever purpose they are. From soldiers til priests.

Judie said...

What a wonderful organization it was for my boys! A great "A" post, Sue.

Jim said...

Hi Sue ~~ That was a neat ceremony that your grandson had. He won't forget that! My oldest sons (twins) were in Weblos and enjoyed it a lot. They stayed in Scouts for a while also.

Best wishes to him!

Jim's Alphabe-Thursday

jenn said...

nice post, sue.

Sue McPeak said...

Congrats to your grandson and his scouting achievements. I really enjoyed the fantastic vintage photos and the history of scouting. Quite an impressive list of famous scouts, too. I noticed our Texas Gov. Rick Perry on that list. Great Letter A Post...well done.

karen said...

I think Scouting is a great thing for boys. Both of mine had some great experiences with their dad and with their respective troops over the years. Jeremiah will be a great scout!
ps - when you first glance at that first picture, it looks like there's a forest fire in the background!

Stacy said...

I love scouts! I have worked with Boys/Cubs or both for the past 8 years. It is such a great program. Kota is going to study at college for things he learned he loved in scouting!

Unknown said...

Love those Norman Rockwell paintings!

Unknown said...

No scouts in my house, but I love 'em!

yaya said...

Congrats to your handsome Grandson! With 4 boys you know we have done a ton of scouting. Jack is still involved and has attended Boy Scout camp every summer for 24yrs. (well, this year is 24!) I love the program and I'm always amazed how scared many Primary Pres. are of the program. We had an 80yr old patient who told us he was an Eagle scout...Eagle scout is the one award that still makes you proud whether you're 18 or 80! It sure opens doors of opportunity when job hunting or for college apps....thanks for a good scouting post!

The Poet said...

Dear Sue,
I have never been a boy scout but heard it is a lot of fun. Yes, congratulations on your grandson. I am sure you are very proud of him. Great pictures also my dear.

Stef said...

Okay, yeah, that arrow of light looks awesome!!! No kidding!
With 4 boys you can bet this mama thinks it is the best thing EVER!

Pondside said...

Our son was a Scout - a Queen's Scout - and it was a good organization for him and for TGD who moved along with him from Beavers through to the winter solo-camps and the mountain hikes.

Carrie said...

it's a shame things like scouting and girl guides have lost popularity. They definitely instill certain values you can't get from today's entertainment-obsessed, fast action life.

I sound older than I am :p LOL I'm only 33!! I wonder if my daughters will have any interest in doing guides or scouts...

visiting from Alphabe-thursday

anitamombanita said...

Cool ceremony and congrats to him. The hubs is the Webelos leader so we're all about scouting these days!

Unknown said...

Oh great illustrations:) The pinewood derby - great memories from my own son playing the pinewood derby!

Splendid Little Stars said...

The Arrow of Light is an important award. I see this troop made the ceremony spectacular!
Your special scout is lovely!
My son is an eagle scout.
I like and agree with what Brian (above) said: "i think that we should have more ceremony in our lives to mark the progression of growingup and cement those moments..."

Joy For Your Journey said...

Congratulations to your grandson!! I am sure he will be a great eagle scout someday. And I love your pictures!!

~✽Mumsy✽~ said...

I didn't know those famous men were boy scouts. What a beautiful ceremony for your handsome grandson.

Brian Miller said...

hope you have a lovely long weekend sue...

Darlene said...

I think it is so neat that Jeremiah is now a Boy Scout! He is following a great family tradition. I think he looks terrific in his uniform too. I'll be he really enjoyed that ceremony!

Esther Joy said...

Loved your list of famous boy scouts - and of course your own boy scout topped the list!

Lola said...

Hi again!

Visiting from Mrs Matlock’s, many thanks for stopping by.

Great post – so apt.

Have a great Memorial weekend too!

Grandma Honey said...

And so the baton has been passed to the next generation. Congratulations to Jeremiah!

Jenny said...

My husband was big into scouting...we have boxes from his Jamborees and eagle scouts and all kinds of other memorabilia!

None of our sons got into scouting...and we're both always sorry they didn't!

Thanks for letting me live vicariously through your Grandson! What an amazing tradition and post!

Hugs and A+

Jenny said...

I love Brian's comment. "I think we should have more ceremony in our lives to mark the progression of growing up and cement those moments..."

Such a true, true statement!