©2012 Susan Noyes Anderson
Protected by the
dark, we cling
to blind security.
We’re yellow at
the center
egg whites of our
eyes won’t see.
Living pecks us.
Pecks away.
Peck peck peck pecks
us free.
Imagine our
surprise: the shells
are more fragile
than we.
Great job! This made me think about what it's like to live without faith...so busy protecting our shells that we miss out on some of life's best (and maybe hardest) moments in which we get to grow, live, thrive! Happy Monday!
Beautiful. I think we keep creating shells to hide in all through our lives.
Actually I'm feeling VERY pecked right now...boo, poor me. OK, that's enough of that pity party. Spunk will win out and is VERY tough!!
What a wonderful image this poem paints! Loved it.
and finally relinquishing your shell can def be a beautiful thing...smiles.
Beautiful and amazing; I always enjoy your poetry.
Fine response to a challenging prompt...
Wonderful, afraid I didn't do very well this week.
There are so many ways this can be interpreted!
Life does peck and many times I just want to smash it's beak! But birds who don't break out of the shells by themselves don't live...so we have to do the same. Love the poem.
I love that observation "the shells are more fragile than we..." A good thought to remember! :)
Why is it that we tell ourselves the shells are too tough. We should just peck through them.
Beautiful...and true in many ways.
Sue, you are such an amazing writer.
This is so true.
Oh so wonderful. Such a great observation re the shells! And I love the peck peck peck as well.
I like that surprise at the end, the astonishment at our resiliency. Very nice.
Great thought - we all need to break out of our shells. We're more brave than we think we are - which we find out as we rise to the occasion.
Delightful poem, I love those pecks that make us free.
Really beautiful poem, Sue.
peck peck peck- and yes our shells are more fragile than we!
Very nice!
I feel a bit pecked right now!!
Hmmm...quite a lesson here.
There is so much interesting thinking to assimilate in your poem Sue. The delicate flow of "In My Life" as background music, inspires pondering in the peaceful setting that is your blog. If I am still lurking here, thinking about life after two or three days, kick me out okay? Thank you for this peaceful creation. =D
I think also of the butterfly having to work out of the cocoon, and how interfering with that process would make it so the butterfly is not strong enough to live.
So much about the process of life folded into the beauty of nature.
This is incredible.
i really like this especially the "yellow at the center egg whites of our eyes". such a nice verbal visual.
This was very good...I like it when the message is so cleverly packaged! VB
Love this rhyme scheme, and that last line rocks. :)
Centre like a shining diamond , black or white , indestructible, thanks
I really like your take on the prompt...and that ending line is brilliant ~
Nice! (we thought along similar lines this week) Love that last stanza.
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