Saturday, April 28, 2012

Come Home to Texas, Wichita!

Jenny's off gallivanting, but she left her Saturday Centus gang a prompt to match her destination. You'll find it below, in red, with less than 100 words from me to round it out. (I hope you've read her post today, or the poem below isn't going to make a whole lotta sense to you!)


Come Home to Texas, Wichita!
by little ol' me

There's a yellow rose in Texas.
Jenny Matlock is her name.
Her blog, "Off On My Tangent" 
has brought her no small fame.

It fits her, too, as proven by
the tangent she's on now.
She's seeking Wichita in Texas.
(Don't ask why or how.)

She hails from Arizona, and
as you can plainly see.
She's not the one to query
about state geography.

But that gal writes like no one else.
Her faithful fans are many.
So let's all give a shout-out to
the best of bloggers: Jenny!



  1. Oh yes she is, and so are you to offer us on this (cold and rainy day here) so not in Arizona such a delightful song like poem! You've rocked my morning again, or was it just hearing that wonderful spirited song!!!

  2. Cute! I'm certain Jenny will love this.

  3. haha. That Jenny's so silly. Cute poem! Hope you're having a great weekend!

  4. ha...sorry but i would take texas over wichita...mainly because the food...i hope she travels well...and did anyone thing to give her a map?

  5. I checked out of commenting this week, just for a break of some kind. IDK. Anyway. I just caught up on your last few posts, and I'm so sorry about the loss of your friend's grandson. How hard.

    And as for Jenny . . .
    You are right! I hope she's surprised!

  6. Hands down, the winner of the! This is fantastic and funny. Great job.

  7. I agree with Gail on this one, Sue!

  8. Yeehaw, you said it!

  9. Had to change the song on my playlist to go with a new post, but for those of you who come to this party late, please imagine "The Yellow Rose of Texas" playing in the background.


  10. Very fun and nice tribute to Jenny.

  11. She actually hails from Ohio but her brain got fried in Arizona so the poem holds together nicely. I can actually hear her saying that to Steve.

  12. Sue, I'm just sitting here waiting to go to acupuncture in 20 minutes and being all nervous ...


    Then I read this!

    Gosh. You made me grin from ear to ear!

    This was soooo cute!

    You are such a joy...and I hear you might be meeting my dear friend Sue this week? Two lovely Sue's in one location? Awwww...the world will be in harmony for the short time you two smile together!

    Hugs and many thanks!
