If there's one thing I've learned over the years, it's this: You can help the people you love most by doing whatever it takes to keep yourself afloat in deep waters. Going down with their ship is never a good outcome. Better to keep your decks dry and your cabin clear so they will have a safe haven when they need one.
With that in mind, I am doing what is always good medicine for me...taking on some new projects and injecting new life into some old ones. My friend, Anita (the photographer I collaborated with on His Children) and I have decided to put poems and pictures to favorite Book of Mormon scriptures (her idea, and I jumped on board immediately). She is one talented woman, and I love working with her.
I have also decided to submit some of the story poems I've written for my grandchildren to a few good publishing houses. I've never really explored this avenue, and I have amassed quite a lot of material that just might suit a publisher's fancy. So, why not? Could be fun, and I need the diversion.
I also need to get going on that Christmas book I keep saying I'm going to compile. I have so many poems, stories, and songs that it's ridiculous, and I really like the idea of putting them all together in usable form.
Finally, I plan to upload about a hundred more poems to my poetry website, which has been getting short shrift lately in favor of this blog. With traffic for the site growing steadily despite me, it is finally beginning to fulfill the measure of its creation, which was to serve as a resource for people seeking accessible poetry for non-commercial use. Right now, there are 233 poems available there, and they range from the sublime to the ridiculous. There are poems for children and adults, speakers and teachers, readers and leaders, lovers and others. In fact, just about every topic imaginable is covered in one way or another, and I need to pay more attention to making susannoyesandersonpoems.com everything it was meant to be.
Creativity is happy work, and it keeps me out of gardens other people should be tending. Don't get me wrong, I'll always be standing by with a watering can...or even a shovel if needed. Supporting the people I care about is what I do best. Having said that, I don't need to be stealthily stalking their seed beds or peremptorily plowing their fields when all they want or require is a cool glass of lemonade. And I certainly can't quench their thirst by drinking that lemonade for them.
Too many people I love are having hard times right now. That's just how it is, and I can't fix it. But maybe I can create some happiness around me. And share it.
"But to what end were we created? We were created with the express purpose and potential of experiencing a fulness of joy. Our birthright—and the purpose of our great voyage on this earth—is to seek and experience eternal happiness. One of the ways we find this is by creating things." - Dieter F. Uchtdorf
You know what? It works.
It really is hard not be the fix-it person when you see those you love struggling. Those around you know you love them and that love will be appreciated and help them just as well.
ReplyDeleteI am so very glad that you are going to finally get with it and publish some of your work. I am sure you will be able to get your children's poetry published. Are you going to put it togther in one manuscript? I hope so. It would be such a nice book for a child to keep forever and be able to read it to his granchilren one day. Dick has a very old book of children's stories that he has treasured over the years. It is very thick. Remind me when you come in May to show it to you.
ReplyDeleteGlad too that you are going to update your poetry site with all of the great poems you have written for your blog. The pictures you have of them are nice, but remember, your words do paint lovely pictures in ones mind too. Do you plan to have it illustrated, or what?
Also, I am looking forward to the Christmas stories being published. I surely would love to have them all in one place.
It sounds like all this work will keep you busy for some time, and I am glad you and Anita will be working together once again.
smiles...glad your creativity is flowing...and best wishes on publication...have had a few published...never hurts to toss out the seed and see what sticks...
ReplyDeletehave a lovely weekend!
I understand completely how you're feeling. And good for you to realize what you need to do. I'm particularly interested in that Book of Mormon project. Keep me advised, won't you? And I need to remember to keep your poetry site in mind - such a great source (with your permission, of course!)
ReplyDeleteI too am feeling the need to be creative. I haven't settled on what to do, though. Still thinking and searching. I hope I settle on something soon because I'm feeling very unsettled and unfulfilled. But thanks for putting it into words. You hit it right on the head.
I'm pretty excited to be taking on a new project with you. Good scripture to start with...
ReplyDelete2Nephi 2:25... and men are, that they might have joy.
I think it's good to do what we do best. Your words bring joy and comfort to people in ways that your worrying can't. So you're still doing good around you. I try to do likewise with my photos.
When those we love are hurting or needing it's so difficult to sit back and wait, watch and most of all do nothing but support them in spirit and love. Now I know just a smidgen how Heavenly Father must feel about us...He gives us that shovel then lets us dig our own holes or dig out of them! I can't wait to see what you create this time. It should be marvelous! Your family is so blessed to have you and your creativity to cherish in published form. Good luck!
ReplyDeleteI would love to talk to you about how to publish a book sometime. That is a life dream I want to experience. I'm just not sure when and how...
ReplyDeleteI agree with you it's hard to watch when people you love are hurting. Good luck busying your hands.
I wish you great success. I've been toying with that idea but wouldn't know where to find a publisher.
ReplyDeleteWorried for you, my friend. Hope that some of your diversions help keep your mind off the worry trail. Wish I could help.
ReplyDeleteI feel the struggle when I cannot fix others problems as well. It is also super hard when I see "that look" on my husbands face and I know there are things in the ward weighing on him and I cannot help or even know.
ReplyDeleteI am glad you are submitting your stuff. It should be published.
I learn so much from this post. Truly a felt write.
ReplyDeleteYou said it well Sue. Please keep us posted on how it's going with the publishing.
ReplyDeleteAnd I have to admit...as I was reading this post I was thinking you were getting ready to say you would no longer have this blog. So I'm relieved it did not come to that ;)
I'm quite the worry-wart and find it hard to to try to step in as well. I keep forgetting about your poetry site, but have bookmarked it so I will pop over more often.
ReplyDeleteI'm another 'fixer' Sue. It's hard, but you know what you have to do and I loved reading about it.
ReplyDeleteSo sorry things are so hard right now. Life never stops throwing curve balls, does it?
ReplyDeleteAnd yet, it's often in such moments that beauty can be found, and created. Your gifts are a blessing and I hope they will be a blessing to you, too, during this hard time.
Sending hugs your way.
Stress restricts my creativity so I think I can relate to your feelings, Sue. You certainly have a gift for expression...keep at it, friend!
ReplyDeleteA creative outlet and projects to completely envelope yourself in are the perfect way to let yourself let go of difficult circumstances. I hope you are doing better again soon!
ReplyDeleteI love Pres. Uchtdorf's talk about creating. I think that not only does it lift us personally to greater heights, but lifts those around us. I love all the "someday projects" you are focusing on. You have helped me remember all of mine that I have on the back burner that need to be brought forward. Thank you. Can't wait to see the results of your new adventure with Anita. You two are a deadly duo.
ReplyDeleteI know how hard it is when you want to fix something that's breaking or broken and that thing doesn't want to be fixed. Hang in there. Sounds like you've got a great plan going! Excited for your new project with Anita!
Keeping busy and productive like you is good. You're still standing without intruding is a blessing for the person.
ReplyDeleteoh sue, when you have a caregiver heart it is so hard not to think and worry and stew over just about everything. I love that you are pouring some of that energy into things that make YOU happy! I wish you ALL the best in the coming year with your great new projects! I can't wait to hear and read more!
ReplyDeleteI am sorry you have so many people in your life who are struggling. I know that is so hard--and frustrating when we can't do anything to fix the problems. I think it is wonderful you have found a positive way to keep busy during your worries. How wonderful that you can bless others with your talents.
ReplyDeleteIt reminded me of when my neighbor was struggling with some challenges. In her trials she planted some beautiful flowers in her garden that she would tend every day. I loved seeing the flowers from my house and felt blessed every day that they were there. I thought it was so wonderful that she focused her energy during a huge tribulation into something positive.
But I too have people in my life who are really struggling right now and have spent a lot of time worrying. One morning while going over in my mind all the people I was worried about, the thought came, "Worry is a waste of time as it doesn't accomplish anything. Use your time to exercise faith instead. Faith is a power that can accomplish much good."
That really struck me and I have tried to exercise faith in behalf of all the people I know with problems instead. (Not that I always do, but I am trying. :-)
Oh, how many creative adventures you have just waiting for you!! I have to say, I have felt a bit the same way lately. I've got a miserable cold and have been debating political things with my relatives who are soooo far the other way in thinking than I am. It's so discouraging sometimes. Wish I could go sleep on the couch and forget them all. Feel like I wasted too much time getting no where. It's hard for me not to say anything. I have to keep my hope in God and let the weight of it all rest in Him...why is that easier said than done? Thanks for a great post...and I LOVE your poetry!!!! :)
ReplyDeleteWhat wonderful words of wisdom! And so true - when you are of a giving nature, wanting to help others, it's easy to get lost in their pain and problems, when what they really need most is to learn lessons in how to deal with their problems.
ReplyDeleteGood for you for realizing that you are not good for others if you let yourself be dragged down. Creativity is a wonderful outlet and a great way to express yourself.
Sue, all of your projects sound fantastic! I am totally with you in that creative outlets provide joy and a positive diversion especially when there are problems that we are helpless to resolve.
ReplyDeleteI love that your poetry site is gaining steady traffic--what a great resource. YOU are a great resource for many things: inspiration, perspective, wisdom (to name a few of many)!
Sending a hug your way! :)
It's so easy to forget the simple truism heard before the plane begins to taxi down the runway: "Put your own oxygen mask on first."
ReplyDeleteGlad you're finding ways to immerse yourself into things you can control.