©1998 by Susan Noyes Anderson, Miles of Smiles, Meadowbrook Press
My brother’s being potty trained.
I’m really very glad.
Changing diapers isn’t fun, and
messy pants smell bad.
My mom says “Won’t you help me, dear?”
So I say “Sure, okay.”
(Sometimes I’m rather helpful, in
a lazy sort of way.)
But this is unacceptable!
I’m at the baby’s feet,
trying everything I can
to keep him on the seat.
I’m reading books; I’m singing songs;
I’m telling stories, too.
The only thing I haven’t done
is show him what to do!
©1991 by Susan Noyes Anderson, Clubhouse Magazine

The pox! The pox!
I’ve got the pox!
Behind my knees.
Under my socks.
Below my feet.
Between my toes.
Way down my throat.
Inside my nose.
I’ve got more pox
than hives have bees
or nests have birds
or forests, trees.
This many pox
I do not need.
I’m going to start
a pox stampede.
I’ll whistle, wave
my arms and shout:
“Giddup there, pox.
We’re movin’ out!”
And don't forget to leave a comment here so you can try to win the "I am still learning" plaque to celebrate my 1100th post! (Contest closes on Sunday the 11th.)
As cute as you made potty training and chicken pox sound, I'm sure glad I'm done with both of them.
Very cute poems. :) But it is going to be hard to face the reality of them someday when there are kiddos in my family!
haha...fun...love the first one....was so glad when the potty training was done...
You have an amazing talent with words, Sue!
I'll need to direct Katie and Mia to the potty training one because that's what's going on at their house. Katie actually found a "princess potty" complete with a jeweled handle!
I'm with Laraine - so glad to be done with potty training and pox!
How cute are these???? Just finished potty training number 3... phew! Love it. Only one more left and then I'll be done with the epicness forever (as far as potty training goes) ;)
Sue, where can I get copies of your books? I am really quite interested in acquiring them.
My boss's son just had the pox & I know this would have cheered him up. They're waiting to see if their daughter gets 'em next. Should happen any day now. Definitely keeping this bookmarked so I can share it with them.
My sons all when through chicken pox, so I can very well relate to this cute poem!
Most kids these days won't even know what pox are...until the vaccination runs out 10 years later and then we will probably have an adult epidemic.
That potty training one is so darling! I picture a little boy doing all he can to help his younger brother.
so glad those days are behind me!
we actually HAD the chicken pox...all 10 of us!
So cute. Love them.
OH! Sue, those are the cutest poems! Perfect through and through!
Oh! I want to share that our granddaughter arrived this morning!!! 8lbs 60z. Mom, Dad and sweet baby girl are doing great :o) We are so thankful, blessed and looking forward to flying to see them.
Blessings & Aloha!
Thank you for stopping by...I'll be posting some more about our grandbaby in the future...we wont get to fly out until the first week in April.
love these...
it was so great to see you yesterday. What a nice day it was. Let me know what size you want the moon print and I'll send it winging your way!
Love those poems!! We have just gone through potty training with my granddaughter so that poem really made me laugh. And the one about the pox made me feel I was reading a Dr. Seuss. So cute!!
hahaha, oh the joys of potty training!!!
These are soooo cute!! And I have endured potty training and active chicken pox breakouts X 3, so I'm happy to be on the other side of both!!
Everyone loves your funny kids poems. I am one of your most ardent fans (as if you didn't already know)
I can't tell you how much I love these two poems, Sue! I'm at the ( hopefully end) of training my Becca and before I know it Oliver will be next! I need to frame this one for the bathroom! :)
p.s.the new thing is that they offer a pox vaccine now! I cOuldn't believe it. When I was a kid it was almost a rite of passage. I couldn't wait up get the chicken pox (until I actually got them, that is) ! ;)
These are both super duper great!!
just adorable poems.. and totally understand what it is like to go through them.. with two kids myself..
What a particularly pleasing pair of poems for the letter 'P'.
Potty training and chicken pox are things I don't miss. At all!
But I do miss those years and those sweet little ones trying so hard to be brave and figure things out!
Loved this Sue.
Thanks for the smile!
Hugs and A+
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