Monday, March 19, 2012

Behind the Gate

Do you ever wish for a simpler time?
I do.

And sometimes
I wish my kids were this age again.
When waving good-bye just meant, "Hurry home."
But they're all grown up now with their own homes,
their own needs, their own challenges and opportunities.
(And that's as it should be.)
These days I'm watching from behind the gate.
Smiling, as they aim both high and far.
Listening and loving when they fall.
Praying for them, too, as mothers do.
Hoping, cheering, knowing they will rise.
In all ways, always grateful for the view.

Today two of my kids have big things going on.
Just wanted both to know I'm rooting for them...
behind the gate but never far away.


  1. Oh, I do! We live near many farms and horse stables (tho not far at all from the city) and I adore everything about it.

  2. I can relate to this one, Sue! Sometimes its very hard to stay behind the gate and just wait... when what you'd rather be doing is something - ANYTHING - to help. But we need to let them find their own way, as our parents did for us. But it's hard, isn't it?

  3. I'm seeing this more and more in my life. That's the big gyp of motherhood, in my opinion. We love them and teach them and work our way out of the job we learn to love.

  4. All of my yahoos are coming home this weekend! I am so stinkin excited!

  5. i miss catching fireflies in the humid iowa nights when i was a kid.

  6. I like having a gate I can peek through.

  7. I think kids today are really missing out on that "simpler time."
    They have to have everything so uber planned and I have such happy memories of doing just the opposite of that.
    Love the picture and gate.

  8. I can remember the many times I would tease the boys about not growing older..always stay at what ever age they were in at the time..but they didn't listen! They grew up and now I'm in your boat or behind the same gate! I smile whenever I hear our c-section patients..usually it's the Dad to the Mom..whew, the hard part's over..meaning the delivery. I always think..oh no, it's just beginning and you will never stop worrying about that kiddo no matter old they or you get.

  9. Sue, I love this and would you mind if I borrow part of it for my blog?

  10. I loved this. It is so hard to stay behind the gate!

  11. Love this Sue!
    I read recently: "The first 40 years of parenting are always the hardest."
    I laughed because it's so true. It was so wonderful when they were all home, but challenging too. Well now, it's wonderful to see them make lives of their own, but still challenging to us, but in a different way.

  12. I am rooting for them too...guess they have wings now!!

  13. I feel like I am straddling the gate right now - but it's all good!

  14. Best to your children! Hope that all comes in triumph!

  15. Living in the mountains is really giving me a new appreciation for simplifying life. Most of us have way too much clutter and noise in our lives...of every kind! Hope all goes well with your kids.

  16. So true! Even though I truly cherished every day of my two sons' younger days, they still flew by. They still grew up, became men, and moved out. But thank goodness, they both still live only a few miles from HOME! I hope it will stay that way....

  17. In some ways, it's tougher to be the mom of adult kids....relinquishing total control to God.

    I know when my kids were small, I thought my control worked in concert with His. I find that amusing now.
