Thursday, January 26, 2012

Just for a Change

(Needless to say, I wrote this when I was a bit younger.)

Sunshine for the Latter-day Mother’s Soul, Eagle Gate

Just for a change I’d like to make
a change this very day–
I’d like to do the things that all
those mothering books say.
I’d like to give up yelling and
perfect the old “I” statement.
(Not “Turn that racket down!”) …
but “I’m in need of noise abatement.”
(Not “Talk back once more and you’re toast!”) …
but “I demand respect.”
(Not “Brush your teeth, or die!”) …
“I fear your hygiene is suspect.”

I’d like to be the kind of mom
who gets the kids to clean
(and they all end up having fun,
and no one thinks you’re mean!).
I’d like to be the kind who gets
the dinner on the table
and never has to set it ‘cause
her children are so able…
And willing, oh, I’d like to be
the kind that makes them willing–
I’d write a how-to book, and
would I ever make a killing!

I’d sort of like to be the type
who’s frugal as can be
and manages her time so well
she’s always home by three.
The kind whose kids are never spoiled
because they love to work,
who think a kid who asks his mom
for money is a jerk.
I’d really like to be that kind––
and, oh, just one more thing…
I’d like to be the kind who’s never
freaked by anything.

The kind who always keeps her cool,
no matter what goes down.
The kind who can control her kids
with one look, or one frown.
(Or two looks or two frowns, or even
one big burst of words!)
I’d like to be the kind who looks
real hip, but not absurd.
In short, I’d like to be a mom
who’s good as good can be.
The only problem is, how would
my children know it’s me?

click below for more J posts


VK said...

I'll bet you were "that" mom.
Cute (sentimental now) poem.

Robin Lynn said...

Sue! I loved this poem ... and I will share it with my own daughter who has her 2 little ones and often shares with me her woes over some of the very same things you mentioned. Saw you at Miss Jennys ... come visit any time! blessings :)

anitamombanita said...

yes, indeed, I'd like to be that kind of mom too! I suspect you are more that kind than I am!! ;)

Momza said...

That is so cute! Think I'll copy it for Dani--THANKS, SUE!

Lola said...

Loved this poem too!

Visiting from Mrs Matlock’s,

Here's mine

Jocelyn Christensen said...

ha! love the image on this one too!

jen said...

If I get to be that mom just once or twice a day I consider myself successful. I guess I set the bar pretty low.

Susan said...

Cute! Love the last line. From the looks of your recent pictures though, your kids all turned out wonderfully. So perhaps you were that mother after all.

~✽Mumsy✽~ said...

A perfect "mom" model and figure! Fantastic poem, Sue..

Unknown said...

Great poem!!!

Grandma Honey said...

That ending is too funny!

H said...

I can relate to so much of this!! Great poem :)

21 Wits said...

Oh I just bet you were pretty much all else could you write such stuff...right! ...and I'm sure they knew it was you too...!!!! ...and about that how to book ..oh yeah think of the millions! ;)

Lisalulu said...

All mom's can relate!! and ARE that mom! good one

Leovi said...

Lovely poem, though I am a father in some ways I identify.

Stacy said...

Why do we women never feel good enough? I bet you were that mom too!

yaya said...

Oh yeah, I would have liked to be that too and unfortunately there are no "do overs"...but in the end I bet your kiddos would say you were the best Mom ever! When my Mom got mad she would always say "I'll beat you to a pulp..blah, blah, blah..." My brother said he was always scared because he didn't know what a "pulp" was when he was little! She actually never even spanked us and we think she's the best Mom ever! (at age 85!)

karen said...

*wide eyed look* I thought you WERE that mom! Sadly, I wasn't that mom often enough. But we had fun, and they're all good people, so I guess it's all turned out fine.

Darlene said...

I remember that poem and I also remember what a great mom you have always been. I also know that you know that even though the kids grow up, you never stop being a just have to do it from afar and let them make their own mistakes and be there whenever they need to be mothered.

Gail said...

Fantastic!!! I use to dream, too.

Brian Miller said... that mom (or dad) even attainable...ah dont get me wrong there are a lot of good things...but i think too we have to give ourselves grace as well...smiles.

Unknown said...

Certainly you are that mom right now, lol! Great poem, Sue!

storybeader said...

very cute! {:-D

Melissa Ann Goodwin said...

I love that you rhymed statement with abatement. Great poem!

Unknown said...

Great write! I bet you are that kind of mom in lots of ways:-). Thanks for stopping in to read my juicing blog & for the soup idea!

Unknown said...

Too true! I would like to be that kind of Mom too. But then, I think my family would just have a heart attack! :)

Em said...

that is so how i picture my life in about 10 weeks. have mercy, tonight was rough. and when sean came home from boxing i told him he should plan on not going to boxing for at least a month after the baby was born. which he did not like all that much. so we compromised after i got offended and agreed that we would decided whether he was going based off of my sanity at the current moment the boxing class occurred. i hope i'm a better mom tomorrow than i was today. i had to apologize a lot tonight. it wasn't pretty.

Ingrid said...

Hehehe ! all these good advices you are referring to, were certainly invented by a childless person !

Unknown said...

Loved the poem!!!

Erika said...

I wish I was the non-freaking out kind of mom. Or that my look could alter behavior.

The kids are only 4 and 5. Maybe I have time?

KM said...

Love! I try hard...
~visiting from Mrs. Jenny's!

21 Wits said...

Really! Some of the best movies have come from "the silly days of our lives" just think about's what movie makers get rich on..those and re-makes of old movies....if it worked once then they do it again and again ...!

Nonna said...

That was awesome Sue !
I wasn't that kind of Mother but I gave it my best shot and when I fell on my face quite a few times, I kept dusting myself off and getting up again...hardest thing I ever did !!!

Sistas in Zion said...

That was awesome Sue! If you ever find that Mom, do encourage her to write that book! Seriously, great poem!

Judie said...

Sue, my kids would have been blessed to have you as their mother.

Jo said...

wonderful!!! yes, i longed to be "that" mom for a while ... in the end, i just had to be me ... and hey, perfection is so over rated!

Vicki/Jake said...

Perfection! :)

Tonya said...

Ah!!! Perfection!!! I FEEL this I truly do!!! :) And I bet you WEREN'T a mean mom.

Jenny said...

I bow down to the master of perfect rhythm and meter.

You are so amazing.

I think your kids could have written that poem about you!

Thanks for a jaunty little link to the letter J.

You are a jewel.
