It was a rough weekend at the Anderson house.

And we are definitely singing the blues...
How can you mend a broken heart?
How can you stop the rain from falling down?
How can you stop the sun from shining?
What makes the world go round?
How can you mend this broken man?
How can a loser ever win?
Please help me mend my broken heart,
and let me live again.
I can still feel the breeze
that ruffles through the trees
and memories of days gone by.
We could never see tomorrow...
No one said a word about the sorrow.
And, how can you mend a broken heart?
How can the losers ever win?
Please help us mend our broken hearts
and let us live again.
-The BeeGees

Maybe next year??
Go, Niners!
Oh, Sue, this is such a perfect post! You should link it up this Thursday to Thursday Theme Song. What a heart breaking game - they had it and gave it away! Bay Area in mourning today. :-(
I was so sad they lost also!
That buffet looks amazing! We are Patriots fans here in Maine!
That buffet would mend my heart! :)
It was amazing (the buffet), and the kids did it entirely by themselves!
Yummy food. Good company!
That just cracks me up!
There are some people that are so upset about all this. I'm embarassed to say I didn't even know there was a game on (busy day in the ER )
I hope your broken heart is mended soon!
With that food spread, I don't know how any of you are feeling like losers. HOLY DELICIOUS!
There were no losers at that table!
football schmootball...the food looks terrific!!! ;)
it was a sad night in the gibson home. sob.
It looks like you mend a broken heart with wonderful food!
I am smiling on this one. At least the food looks good and I am sure that healed somewhat the broken hearts. We only so parts of the game and we weren't cheering for the giants.
Blessings to you for an awesome pictures and poetry.
What a great post for the season. Now, that table...next year I'm comin' to your place! :o)
God bless and have a great week sweetie!!! :o)
I wish you would do a blog post on that dinner you served. It looks wonderful. I keep looking at it and trying to decipher it all...was it like a Mexican bar with tortilla chips the base and then they add things to it? Please do tell.
Why did we have to turn on the TV just to see that final field goal? Honestly, our hearts went out to whom? To RYAN, the greatest fan the Forty Niners ever could have. We both said, "Oh No" and promptly turned the tube off.
'nuff said?
I realize that living down here in the OC I'm not feeling the same pain, but looking at all of that food certainly mended MY heart!
I think that spread of food would do much to ease any broken heart.
Tough weekend for you. That buffet looks awesome though.
last weekend when my STEELERS lost
i had a broken heart...
BUT i didn't have a buffet like that to mend it again....
great post Sue :D
Sorry your team lost, maybe next year. At least they did lots better than my home team..The Houston Texans, I'm used to a broken heart...hmmm..oh yes, there's there's always next year.
I thought of you when I heard the results of the game. So sorry but what an amazing feast you had for everyone to enjoy.
Like Jocelyn said that buffet would mend my heart. lol
They will regroup and win next year.
So good to be back over here I have missed you.
We are normally "niners" fans and would have loved to watch their season this year . . . one of those years when football just has not made it to the top of the list (and I sure do miss those relaxing game days!!)
But I think that food would go a long way to mending anyones broken heart! You are amazing!!
Better luck next year :D
sorry you did not win...i was rooting for you...now i guess i will have to root for the g-men...looks like you had a great time though...
I enjoyed those pictures of your party--even though I know it was tough to lose the game. :(
Was this a gathering of the young people from your church? Your house, as I always say, looks like such a fun place. I am sure I would love a visit! :)
Wow! What kind of lay-out are you going to have for a Super Bowl Party!? :)
I know. I have no words. It is so sad.
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