Thursday, December 15, 2011

Frisco, Friends, Fun, and Fa-La-La-La-La

Guess who took me to San Francisco for dinner Monday night?

Yep, that'd be this guy...the hubby.

We ate to our hearts' content, then met up with his Singles Ward

and got in line for the trolley

so we could make merry.
(And how do we make merry?)

By caroling to every shopper in that beautiful city by the Bay!
(mostly at the the top of our lungs)

Yep. 65 of us loaded onto one tightly packed cable car so we could
shout our fa-la-la-la-la's to the good people of San Francisco.

When we hit the end of the line, 65 of us all got off.

And then got back on again for a final picture.

Or maybe THIS was the final picture...

At any rate,

we snapped a quick photo of the bishopric before

heading on down the street to one of our favorite hangouts,

where the "world famous ice cream" melted in our mouths (so to speak)

and the hot fudge was nothing short of criminal!

I know. I should have taken a picture of my sundae.
But I took one of my son instead.


(Good-looking devil, isn't he?)

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anitamombanita said...

That's such a fun tradition. Did I spy a Kullick face or two among the revelers? How fun. And I'd take that fabulous family-member face over a hot fudge sundae any day!!

Unknown said...

What a blast!!!

Unknown said...

Looks like a fun time and Ghiradelli? Could it get any better than that???

jen said...

I can only imagine what the streets of SF sounded like that night! What a fun memory!

Ames said...

I've been there, what fun! And what a handsome son you have got!!~Ames

larainydays said...

What a festive, fun night. I wish I could have heard you all.

Susan Anderson said...

We sounded pretty good, Laraine. There are some great singers in our group!


Susan said...

Oh that looks like such fun! I used to love caroling, but have never gone to the city to sing from a cable car! Love it!

karen said...

What a fun time! Ghiradelli's chocolate... I dream about that stuff. I hope you enjoyed it enough for me, too. It's so fun when people carol - I'll bet everyone loved it.

Barbara F. said...

What a fun night! I would love to visit San Francisco, especially the trolley ride and great chocolate. xo

Cathy Kennedy said...

I wish I could have done a little Fa-la-la-la with you and to go into Ghiradelli. Oh my word, I'd be in chocolate heaven!!! I'm pretty sure God has a way better chocolate shoppe waiting for us, but I'll settle for Ghiradelli chocolate any day. =D

EG CameraGirl said...

What a great way to make merry, Sue!

The Poet said...

WoW! What a lovely way to celebrate. better desert as far as I'm concerned!
Lovely photos.
Thanks for sharing & visiting. I appreciate the comment.

For ref:
Firebrand Of The Heart

RobinfromCA said...

Looks like loads of MV Ward fun! This reminds me that I have not had a Ghirardelli hot fudge sundae yet this holiday's just a crime!

Leovi said...

I love parties, fun photos, tomorrow I go.

Judie said...

La la, la, la! What a great evening, Sue!!

Karen Mortensen said...

Looks like a blast. Why didn't you tell me??? I live right by San Fran.
I did have one of those sundaes once. It was fabulous.

Brian Miller said...

think it was worth it to get the one of your son...smiles...looks like a lot of fun and sundaes are not a bad way to top the night off...

Connie said...

Oh, what fun...
I'm sure the people of San Francisco appreciated your songs.

Darlene said...

Yes he is, my handsome Ry. How I do love that guy (AND the other two, I might add).

Wow! It seems like you just had a big affair a few days ago. No wonder they all love their Bishopric so much. Lots of fun and games. It does sound like such a fun outing.

What I wouldn't give for some ice cream and some Ghiradelli right now! I am totally pooped and it is only 9:30. I'm sure it would fix me up right well. Hummm, maybe I will have a small dish, of course I don't have the good stuff but good old Hershey's will have to do. It has been in the refrigerator for so long that it is really thick so I can close my eyes and pretend. It's true, I've hardly had time to eat. That is until tonight. I fixed your special chicken recipe with the celery soup, sour cream, and swiss cheese, but I used pork sirloin steaks and was that ever good~~ We have enough for another night. Yum. You should try it with pork, but I digress

I haven't been caroling for so many years. I'm sure that was fun. Did the people of San Francisco appreciate the talents of your group? I would have loved to hear them. For that matter I would have loved to have been there in beautiful San Francisco. the city by the bay that we used to call "The City" and everything was so clean and everyone dressed up to the nines with hats and gloves. Oh yes, I did live just across the bay and we made that trip quite a few times. My how things have changed. I understand that it is legal now to just go around without any clothes on. Now that would be something to see. They showed a large group of these exhibitionists on TV the other night. Of course they only shot above the waist, or with the women, above the neck. Yes, how things have changed. I'm glad you and the young adults added a little class to the place. if just for the evening.

Grandma Honey said...

Yep, I do agree...your son is very good looking. Much better than a sundae.

I was just saying tonight to Dennis, before I read this post, that it must be a nightmare Christmas shopping in SF! No parking, walking uphill, walking downhill, carrying pkgs.... but then here you are showing the fun side of it all.

Ingrid said...

That must have been a lot of fun !

Cathy Feaster said...

that looked like an awesome time!

Lisalulu said...

handsome, all your men! so so jealous because that is EXACTLY what we would do the Saturday before Christmas! go to San Francisco and carole on the cable cars!

21 Wits said...

Oh that chocolate is the best ever! We stayed at Fisherman's Wharf a few years back, on my first trip to San Francisco...or rather Frisco as you call all looked like you had the best time ever.....and taking time to sing....and laugh and be merry....that's what makes life so perfect, right!

Kathy Felsted Usher said...

What fun! I've been to San Francisco twice and loved every minute of it. I'm glad you had such a good time.

Unknown said...

Sounds like tons of merry fun, that ended with ice cream... can't beat that!

Jenny said...

Looks like a Fun-Filled adventure in Frisco...

Thanks for taking us along for the Fabulous ride with your link to the letter "F"!

Fond wishes For a Fantastic 2012!
