Thursday, December 8, 2011

Euphemistically Speaking

I’ve reached an agreement
with all of my peers.
Old ladies we’re not;
we are “women of years.”


(Euphemisms come in mighty handy for the "Elderly"...)

click below for more E posts


Unknown said...

my mom will love being called this.

you're hilarious

Francisca said...

But like wine, women of years get better... :-)

Unknown said...

Love it:-) That pic is pretty great also!

Unknown said...

teeheehee, love it.

anitamombanita said...

haha....loved this. We're all women of years, some of us just more abundantly blessed than others... ;)

Leovi said...

It seems a very funny speech.

karen said...

You said it, sister!

Jocelyn Christensen said...

Nice! (Oh and you are almost to 300 followers I see!)

Lola said...

Superb ‘E’ post – so witty!

Have a great weekend too,

Here’s mine

Welcome to the Garden of Egan said...

I love it!!!!

EG CameraGirl said...

Yep, "women of years" works for me!

To the Toy Box and Beyond said...

love it very funny

Ingrid said...

Or woman of the year, lol !

Cindy Adkins said...

Oh too cute!!! And do we get better? lol

Ames said...

I like it!~Ames

Judie said...

Sue, you are sooo clever! I love this! I will have to start using that phrase!!

CB said...

Good One!! :-D

Grandma Honey said...

I couldn't have said it better!

Brian Miller said...

rich in years maybe...


nice one...

Lisalulu said...

my mother says Elderly is 10 years older than what you yourself claim to be
but.... I think that after 80 you should embrace Elderly. You've earned it, until then you are just .. ok women of years.

Darlene said...

You wrote this in 1997? And you were only 45? Woman of years indeed!!! Wait until you get to be my age. Yeah, that's what I should call myself, a woman of years.

storybeader said...

oh yes, I like the sound of that! {:-Deb

LeAnn said...

All I can say is that was an awesome post. I liked the thought of women of years.
Blessings to you for the smiles today.

Pondside said...

Absolutely - and you and I should know!

Stacy said...

hear, hear

Splendid Little Stars said...

love it!! sharing!

Unknown said...

Agreed. And I learned today that women don't sweat...they sparkle. So there!

Tiffany said...

Love it!


Connie said...

I did a post about "coming" old. Your poem fits perfectly.

Maggie said...


Jules said...

As a woman of years I would like to thank you for your wishes for Col and Cheryle. We are all praying for a good outcome.
It was lovely to meet you and may I borrow your poem for my daughters?

Terra said...

Oh, I like that!!!!

The Poet said...
This comment has been removed by the author.
The Poet said...

Hello. is said the finest tasting wines are the ones that have matured!
Hilarious post, love your image.
Thanks for sharing.

For ref:
Eleven Roses And You

Karen Mortensen said...

Love this and amen.

Jenny said...

Bravo! Bravo!

What an exceptionally cute link for the letter E.
