It's Saturday Centus again, and since the hubby and I will soon head over to visit our grandkids, I'll be sticking with the tried 'n true poetry post today. That rascally Ms. Matlock is up to no good this morning, doing her darnedest to gross us out with pictures of potatoes so soon after Thanksgiving, but it won't work on me! I happen to have unusually good stamina for potato overload. More's the pity.
The prompt, as always, is in red.

There Oughta Be a Law
©2011 Susan Noyes Anderson
How could they do it to me? Geez!
There oughta be a law.
The way these hucksters bleed you dry
is stuck up in my craw.
It's all about their bottom line.
Their customer? Who cares?
The only thing they fret about
is selling all their wares.
It really is a pity to
be caught up in such greed.
Accountability is key.
Payback is what they need.
Arrest these peddlers of plaque,
these fiends who trade in fat.
Jail all who query, "Super-size?...
Would you like fries with that?"
I loved that poem! Very clever!
Sue, I could not agree more! What a clever little poem you have written here.
You are good! :)
Have you tried those fries lately, I think they have changed the oil, and where's the salt? Kidding aside, supersize wouldn't work so well, if people weren't so greedy about wanting more for their money. I'm so glad we lived an hour and half away from those joints when my kids were small.
Wow, who would think you could make a poem about this LOL. Loved it.
Damn good one....I could try reciting it at Mc Donalds next time. :)
The "peddlers of plaque"! Fabulous!
My answer would probably be, "Yes!"
Very good Sue - although the picture (so close after The Big Feast) kind of made me gag.
I agree Karen. And I'm sitting at a pancake house right now. Is there no end to the gluttony? ;)
ha...yes they have corrupted a many....myself included...have fun playing...
Excellent as always and I love the message! Unfortunately, I also love those horrid little fat-filled things. No super-size though! :-)
"Fiends to trade in fat" (great phrase) indeed! This is great, Sue. My post treks down these lines as well.
Blessings for the season.
PS Oops, I meant "who" not "to."
Yes, I would like super size and fry sauce too!
So cute! You are clever.
Oops! Something happened to my first comment - just seemed to go poof into thin air.
This poem is so clever. I agree with you that those purveyors of arterial plaque should be locked away.
I like it! You are so good at this!~Ames
Ok, now that made me laugh! You are just too clever...loved it!
I thought for sure you were heading to the food court on Black Friday with that poem! Good job, Sue!!
Amen! Amen! Amen! And very, very clever. Great job, Sue!
That's funny. French fries should be outlawed. I could eat them all the time.
I think like Christine has said they have changed the oil on some of the fries....but not all I don't think. So it's a gamble. But all that aside, I wish this generation of kids today had never heard the word super-size.
Good poem Sue!
Love this! If only we could super-size manners right!
From the wife of a fast food franchisee, loved that last line of your poem!
Lol :) My husband is upset because they've gotten rid of the "super-size" at so many places now.
Enjoy your week!
Don't tell anybody but I think this is my favorite, favorite fry post for the week!
Your rhymes are so darned clever Miss Sue!
You always make me think or smile or dream or laugh!
I love you for that!
Thanks for sharing this.
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