Wednesday, November 23, 2011

Another Thanksgiving Prayer

A Thanksgiving Prayer

I’m thankful for my mother,

and I’m thankful for my dad.

I’m thankful for my sisters,

and for all the fun we’ve had.

I’m thankful for my brother, Tom,

(even when he’s jerky).

But most of all, I’m oh-so-thankful

not to be a turkey!

Okay, I freely admit that this poem and "inspiration point" are not necessarily compatible. ;) Guess I just couldn't resist the opportunity to fake you guys out.

Happy Thanksgiving!


anitamombanita said...

What?! You're human after all?! Happy Thanksgiving!!

Unknown said...

Can't wait to have some Thanksgiving turkey!

Lisalulu said...

always leave 'em laughing!! Happy Thanksgiving.

karen said...

And here I thought you were going to get all wise on us... Have a great Thanksgiving holiday with your family!

Darlene said...

Looks pretty inspirational to me!

Welcome to the Garden of Egan said...

That turkey looks downright delicious!
Love your poetry!

Happy Thanksgiving!

Francisca said...

I'd not want to be a turkey today either... but I sure like your sense of humor... and the photos are yummy! May abundance be yours today and every day, Sue!

Terra said...

Yes, I too am thankful I am not a the giggle I let I out when I read this...thank you

~✽Mumsy✽~ said...

HAPPY THANKSGIVING, Sue, to you and your family!

Brian Miller said...

smiles...i hope your travels went well and you have a wonderful thanksgiving among the grands....

Ingrid said...

Poor turkey, but happy thanksgiving, lol ! we don't celebrate because our ancestors stayed in Europe.

Leovi said...

Beautiful photos. I if I can find regarding the point of inspiration. Okay thanks for the inspiration received.

Leovi said...

Beautiful photos. I if I can find regarding the point of inspiration. Okay thanks for the inspiration received.

Wendy said...

You are darling! Keep up the good work!

Beck said...

Ha! Happy Thanksgiving to you and your family!

Tracy said...

I am glad to not be a turkey

My name is Riet said...

Happy Thnksgiving

Judie said...

Sue, you turkey! You are wonderful!!!

kaykuala said...

Sue Ma'am,
I'm thankful for your kind thoughts and for visiting and your endorsement Amen at Brian's.
Your going down memory lane with the photos is just classic. A great family you have!
This may be my first visit but not the last, cos putting you on my blog list.Happy Thanksgiving!


Vicki/Jake said...

HA! What a sweet treat for Turkey Day Sue:) Hope your belly's so full now you won't want to eat for a week! I love this holiday:)

LeAnn said...

You are always so fun. I loved your poem and pictures. I am enjoying a good chuckle.
Blessings to you and I am sure you are enjoying a wonderful Thanksgiving Day with family. We are in Missouri having a great time with two of my daughter's families. There is nothing sweeter than to watch our grandchildren play.
Blessings and hugs to you!

Shreya said...

Nice pictures :)

Happy thanksgiving :)

Pondside said...

I hope your Thanksgiving Day was memorable and, perhaps, just peaceful enough to be relaxing!

Varda said...

Happy Thanksgiving, Sue. Hope you had a lovely day!

Bradley said...

Happy Thanksgiving! Ours at Mormon Market was great, and hope yours was too!


Anonymous said...

Ha! Hope you had a lovely Turkey Day. =>

Grandma Honey said...

It worked! I was not expecting that ending ;)

Jenny said...

You are just a joy!

I know your Thanksgiving was fabulous!

How could it not be with you running the show?!?