The members of my husband's ward are great company, and we feel lucky to serve them. What's more, they make our empty nest a little less empty! Okay, a LOT less.

Today I plan to put on my thinking cap and get a bit of that Christmas mojo workin'. First, I'm gonna figure out what on earth we're giving everyone come December 25th. Next, I'll dive into my annual Christmas Eve story.
Happily, my very talented nephew is already writing a yuletide tale for our program (yes, he owes me!), but instead of using that as permission to bow out this year, I'm surprised to find myself wanting to dash one off anyway. It seems writing an annual tear-jerker has become part of my personal Christmas tradition. And to think I thought it was a chore! Who knew?
One thing's for sure. I will keep mine short so our family members won't OD on story-time. Maybe I'll even rhyme the thing to provide a change of pace...or make it a kid's one. (Hey, could be I'm getting some mileage out of this thinking cap already!)
I need to do the very same thing...not write a story, I don't have your talent...but I need to get my Christmas list going. I started stressing about it all in the middle of the night...so it's time!
It sounds like a packed house. I too need start thinking of Christmas.
Since coming back from NYC/Massachusetts and our non-Halloween, I've been in a Christmas planning mood too. I feel lucky that I've already gotten Katie's girls what I'm going to give them. Now on to the rest! I always think its going to be too much to think about, but every year I manage to get excited all over again. The magic of the season, indeed.
ha definitely rhyme your story...smiles. glad you had a good time with the full house...that is very cool...as is a fire...i wish we still had a fireplace...
Oh, yes, I guess it is time to get started on planning Christmas. That's kind of excited--despite the bad weather I know it brings to my neck of the woods.
I'm looking forward to seeing the stories! I need to start a Christmas list too, just have a hard time doing it before Thanksgiving....my husband is already begun his carol singing around the house though, maybe I can find it in me.
Sue, I loved your story last year so I will look forward to the new one. I could read your writing all day. I too need to put on the thinking cap for what to do about Christmas this year.
Blessings to you and I am looking forward to reading more from you.
I've started a little shopping for the Grandkiddos. It's easy for some of them, but the older ones just want gift cards...easy, yes...boring..very. I try and think of something every year they can unwrap just to keep the fun alive!
Love that fire.
Beautiful fire...I miss having a fireplace. I think you should do the rhyming thing...you're good at it!
I cannot wait to start having fires in our fireplace!! I just love them.
Glad you had such a successful fireside and it must have been nice to have two fires too. There is just something so warm and homey about a fire in the fireplace. Dave's ward is very fortunate to have you two provide such lovely evenings for them. I am sure they all enjoyed it a lot.
I can't believe we are all thinking about Christmas these days. I have started making cookies. I have made two batches, but didn't think either was so special so I will likely go back to my trusty standards. I am concerned about making the three Christmas boxes for the kids that won't be with us for Christmas this year. Fortunately we will only have to mail two of them as we will deliver Nancy's. They usually meet us half way and we have lunch together.
It seems like we should get finished with Thanksgiving before we start on the Christmas, but if I did that, I would never get my cookies done. It takes so long to make Dick's Danish. Maybe I can get him to do a few Danish Krispies just for you as I know your guys aren't as crazy about the almond Danish as Perry is. He can eat a whole one all by himself.
The time is going by too fast. Hope you are feeling and doing well. Love you
I can't wait to see what your Christmas story is either!!
I finished addressing my cards and wrapping all my gifts (except my husband's which has yet to arrived) this past weekend. It's true. I dislike the commercial aspect of the holiday, so I shop all year long and aim to have everything done by December 1st, so I can focus on the true meaning of Christmas.
I still can't believe Christmas is around the corner!
I am not at all surprised to hear you are looking forward to writing your Christmas story (or poem) this year! I think that is why we love reading what you write--because when you love doing something--it shows in the work of the writer/artist.
I also think it's nice that your Christmas story has become a tradition. Like one of your earlier posts--traditions are really a great thing to establish within our families!
Now, I need to get my thinking cap on for Christmas!
you know we'll all be waiting anxiously for OUR Christmas gift...YOUR story!!
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