Putting together BIG puzzles is a tradition in our family.
Looks like Bryce is taking that legacy and running with it!
Uncle Ryan (puzzler-in-chief) initiated the jigsaw custom at a reunion.
Now we never hit the beach without one!
Aren't traditions a wonderful thing? Our family has more than its share of them, and they make every event and celebration considerably more enjoyable.
Sometimes a friend will ask me how our family developed its tradition of having many traditions, and my answer is always the same. These little rituals just sort of started themselves, evolving naturally out of activities (sometimes planned and sometimes spontaneous) that one or another of the family members enjoyed so much we decided to do them again and again...and again. It can be as simple as eating a particular meal or as complex as putting together an entire Christmas Eve program. The only caveat in creating a tradition is consistency. You have to keep doing it!
Of course, the magic of tradition is the wonderful way it takes on a life of its own. The more times you honor it, the more powerful and meaningful it becomes. Shared ritual (be it sweet, silly, or sacred) has woven many bright, shining threads through the fabric of our family.
And I am grateful every day for the glow.
click below for more happiness
I just posted about a tradition in our family: sugar cookie making :)
What a great tradition!! We love putting puzzles together too! My mom and I work on a Charles Wysocki puzzle every Christmas Holiday... It's what my dad loved to do when he was still here with us... Keeps his memory alive! :) Happy Tuesday!
Uncle Ryan looks like he's seriously into the puzzle.
Oh wow! I'm all for big puzzles as long as they are BIG pieces!! Takes patience. Looks like great fun :o)
I think traditions are great fun. I wish we had some in our family.
I LOVE traditions!! Ssometimes it seems as if the seasons canNOT turn unless certain things happen. Playing games is something I look forward to doing with our grands just as my grandparents did with us. Your puzzle looks like fun and I bet you can't pass the table without adding a piece. Question is....what do you eat on??
nice...isnt that true...it seems like the ones we try really hard to start dont catch but when they happen naturally it just fits...kinda like a puzzle piece...smiles.
That is awesome! I love family traditions!!!!
I am following your blog now :) I hope you don't mind :)
I love that advice on keeping traditions, Sue. I think traditions are so important. I am looking forward to seeing how our family traditions evolve over the years!
p.s That puzzle looks amazing! You have such a neat family. Super neat.
Love traditions and love puzzles!!!
What a great mom you are! and Grandma too! (I hate puzzles, just sayin')
I love puzzles- they really have a way of bringing a family & friends together.
I LOVE puzzles! Can't do it now, though, because my little one climbs on every chair in every room and destroys everything. Need to wait a year or so.
We love puzzles too! As long as there not too many pieces...
That is a wonderful tradition!
Yes, traditions are indeed great! I like the idea of family members working on a puzzle together.
Extraordinary! I am incapable.
We are a puzzle family too:)
I love traditions. I don't always enjoy being the one initiating them every holiday or occasion but once we get going I have fun.
And puzzles is a great idea for a tradition.
I just bought a puzzle for Christmas when my kids are all home! We aren't really a puzzle making family, but I am hoping to become one.
I like what you said about traditions. I think they are what bind us together.
This is beautiful.
It's alway fun to see the traditions that the kids like. Sometime I find out they are traditions when I don't do something and the kids ask for them.
Love the puzzle pics.
Exactly, Stacy. That's how most of our traditions got started. By the kids insisting on something.
In a way, I wish we didn't have so many Christmas traditions, especially the one of making 36 Danish tea rings!! Just the thought is daunting this year. I don't know how I am going to do it. True, Dick does most of it, but I do make the dough and all of the icing. I hate to make the icing the most. I suppose we will find a way, but we usually start in November and I am in no kind of shape to start anything. I hate to think of all the dozens of cookies too. But, yes, most traditions are great. I particularly like your tradition of coming to Palm Desert for your "golf week" in May. It used to be a week, then it went to about five days and now it seems to be just a long weekend, but hey, I'll take whatever I can get. I love having you guys here and it's even better when Rich used to be able to come. I don't suppose he will do it much anymore now that he is married and more tied down. However, you can't always tell.
I can remember when Ryan was small and I used to take him to the Salvation Army thrift store and we would pick out several puzzles to do. I think in all the puzzles we bought, there was only one that had a piece missing. We used to love doing them together and we never used to get the "baby ones", only the adult ones. The ones he gets now are super hard, but that is what makes them fun.........a good challenge.
Anyway, hurrah for traditions, may they live forever!!
I love family traditions.
Traditions are fun and wonderful things. I love working puzzles...so much fun. Cute picture of Bryce with his puzzle. Hugs
I love putting puzzles together.
You explained it so well Sue. I remember years ago when my sons were small complaining to my Mom that I had no traditions yet. She said, yes you do....you do this and this and... Then I realized traditions are what happens year after year....not necessarily from big plans, but like you said, "These little rituals just sort of started themselves"...and through the years they define us as a family!
Lovely post! I too love the traditions that we have and hope to continue to add more. I am finding there are so many great traditions posted on bloggs. I love reading about them.
Blessings and hugs to you!
I am a huge lover of traditions - we have many and I wouldn't trade in a one of them. They are there for memories, laughs and the glue that holds the family together!
We are puzzlers too :-D
I always love reading about your traditions and especially your family. Great tradition to have and he looks like he is really into this puzzle. lol
Did I tell you I took your advice and found some books by Janette Oke. Right now I am reading The Canadian West Saga. Really have enjoyed her writing very much. Thanks for the heads up on her
I appreciated your post! I'm hoping to get more traditions started this year. I want my kids to have so many good memories to look back on. Happy to be your newest follower. :)
My husband is a BIG puzzler! It's so nice to know he's in good company! Best rainy day activity!
you know we love our puzzles! So so much! It is a wonderful tradition and the stories told around the puzzle table...so fun!
we used to do TOnS of puzzles when I was a kid...I still like them but don't have the patience to sit still for that long anymore...too many blogs to keep up with.. heehee
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