Saturday, October 22, 2011

The Story Seed

As Saturday Centus rolls around again, I am happy to report that Ms. Matlock has given us 106 words to turn her prompt into a story, and she was generous enough to include a picture as well. Now, what could be nicer than that? The prompt, as always, is in red.


I planted a little story seed,
just placed it deeply in the ground
and, fertilizing carefully,
spread all the dirt and mulch around.

My eager hands caressed the soil,
as earth returned my soft embrace.
A tender reed peeked through one morn.
I blessed the sun, knew water's grace.

Resolved to tend my seedling well,
I watched it with a loving eye.
The weeds I saw were quickly pulled;
my heart was happy to comply.

Fruition came in leaves and buds;
a flower raised her lovely head.
The story seed had done its work,
but it had grown a poem instead.



  1. ha and a rather fun reading one at that...cute verse sue....i hope you plant many more of those seeds...and have a lovely saturday!

  2. Beautifully done Sue ! You captured perfectly in this clever poem how we all should feel as we plant little 'seeds' whether in the ground or on paper...

    I especially love the lines:

    "A tender reed peeked through one morn.
    I blessed the sun, knew water's grace."

    Lovely !!!

  3. I knew you would do something wonderful with this...and you did. Great job!

  4. Cute, Sue! You have a knack for giving little zingers at the end. :)

  5. Beautiful poem. You have such a lovely way with poetry. I loved it and enjoyed reading it so much.

  6. Love the way you can describe things. Makes it so I can almost feel it. Loved your little "surprise" ending.

  7. perfect take! I'll be ruminating on this one all day, I'm sure! ;) ah, what to do? what to do?

  8. Lovely, amazing what and how our minds can grow isn't it!

  9. What a lyrical piece, Sue. Your poetry is so lovely!!

  10. perfect ending,
    visited here a while
    and left with but a smile :)

  11. I loved how you responded to the prompt! Very lovely!

  12. I unearthed some documents that have been missing since last October? Does that count? Beatiful as always! :)

  13. Your poems paint such a vivid picture. Love it.

  14. So great of a poem at that too Sue.
    I enjoyed reading this very much and I know you will always plant lovely seeds like these.
    Hope your enjoying a beautiful weekend my friend

  15. Sue what a truly beautiful job you did with this poem! You are such an incredibly gifted writer and your poetry is always amazing to me!

  16. Sue, I love every line. Your poetry is so soothing, and has such beautiful imagery. I was swaying to the music while reading this. Now, I'm ready for a peaceful night's sleep. Thank you.

  17. I loved this Sue ... utterly charming!

  18. this was wonderful, and I've always wondered where poems were born, now I know! Thanks !

  19. A beautiful piece and captures the poetic journey so well. It can apply to many others too.

  20. I'm always in awe of the way you's just...poetic! Beautiful and meaningful, Sue!

  21. wow, just like that it grew up so cute and special! like you!

  22. Sue, this is wonderful, and I love that your story seed became a poem instead. laurie @

  23. You delivered wonderfully. A great piece with feeling and a message...beautiful.

    I am going have to check this out!

  24. Some may say "cute" or "well done" and I certainly agree, BUT, whenever you write, there is quite literally a magic about it. And if you knew me better, you'd know I don't pay compliments where I don't feel their due; don't write or speak just to hear my own voice. You're something else, Sue.

  25. LOVELY!

    The last line was fantastic! Having a past background in horticulture I really enjoyed this and your always descriptive use of words.

    I am going to read this to Helen and Lizzie when they come home from school.


  26. Very nice ending. I like those seeds that plant poetry. I know you will keep them coming for us.

  27. I. LOVE. THIS!!! (Am I shouting loud enough for you?) Seriously, thank you for sharing.

  28. Oh, Sue. You are darling. You know that, don't you?

  29. I love that the story seed grew a poem instead

  30. Dear Sue,
    You are indeed a good gardener when it comes to 'poem-plants'.
    Well done.
    Best wishes,

    Anna's SC wk 77 'I planted a little story seed'

  31. I think it was a genetically modified seed, obviously.

    Love this line: I blessed the sun, knew water's grace.
