Thursday, September 29, 2011

Xcuse my W: Alphabe-Thursday X/W Combo

I'm hoping all of you X-tra special Jenny Matlock meme enthusiasts will X-onerate me for introducing my in-X-cusably late W post With this X-ceptionally shady X one. (You've probably heard that X is the new W, right?) X-actly!

Waves hello

Waves goodbye

Waves brought low

Waves tossed high

Waves of grief

Waves of cheer

Waves of weakness

Waves of fear

Waves of people

Waves of grain

Waves of heat

Waves of pain

Waves of soldiers

Waves of tanks

Waves of workers

Waves of thanks

Waves of change

Waves of need

Waves engulf us

Waves recede

Waves of hope

Ways to cope




Anonymous said...

Sue, great minds think alike,I almost post XY&Z all in one and now that I see your combo I will surely combine Y&Z.
Love this post,W&X combo.

anitamombanita said...

that would make a great photo thematic for me...I may have to try that some day. Loved the post. Very thoughtful. xo

Lola said...

Hi again!

Great idea for a superb combo post!

Have a great weekend,



Grandma Honey said...

And the perfect wave music to go with this!

Ames said...

Just beautiful! I don't know how you do it with such ease. God really has blessed you with a talent!~Ames

Ingrid said...

Wow very pretty collection of X hrrm W pictures !!

Francisca said...

Your Xcellent intro is a post unto itself... followed by waves of wonders... I especially like waves of gratitude. [Sue, did you manage to link? Linky pops in and out when you refresh.)

Unknown said...

What an awesome post! Loved it!

Keri {One Mama's Daily Drama} said...

I think your Words are X-cellent! I love the pattern.

leigh hewett said...

Wow...that was pretty incredible.

karen said...

I think I always say this, but I really liked that one, Sue. One of my favorites to date. Did you just write this one, or did you already have it up your sleeve? My favorite part is the last two lines: Waves of hope, ways to cope. Good writing and nice images to go along!

Susan Anderson said...

Thanks, Karen.

I just got the idea for doing something with different kind of waves and then wrote it as I went along.


Pondside said...

So beautiful - words and pictures.

Barbara F. said...

Wow, this is a fantastic post, for W, X, all letters. Stunning photos! Love it. xo,

Leovi said...

Really wonderful, tender and delicate poem with images.

My name is Riet said...

LOve all your waves, Extra good.

Coralie Cederna Johnson said...

Fantastic poetry with pictures and words...absolutely love this!!! Have a beautiful day and thanks so much for your visit!

Anonymous said...

Thank goodness for waves of hope. They make the other times bearable, don't they?

lissa said...

lovely W/X post.

Esther Joy said...

What a powerful, powerful post! Your "waves" were Xceptional!

And thanks for waving encouragement my way via my Rock4Today blog!

larainydays said...

Lovely, lovely lovely.

Nezzy (Cow Patty Surprise) said...

Thanks for the info girl. I hadn't hear that X was the new W...thanks for the heads up! Heeehehehe!

Sweetie, your funny :o)

Have yourself a terrific Thursday and may God bless it!

Darlene said...


Judie said...

Your "X" or "W" post is beautiful. Just like you!!!

Kathy Felsted Usher said...

This was very nice, and the wave sounds behind it were unique.

ellen b. said...

Very nice Sue. I enjoyed your waves!!

Amy said...

I like waves. For some reason, in my mind, they mean tranquility. Probably because I am thinking of the ocean ones, though. :) As always, it was lovely.

yaya said...

Your posts are so much fun to read. I love your poetry. I missed the previous one and I haven't read any of her books, but the series based on them is on the Hallmark channel this weekend. Have a nice Conference weekend Sue!

Anonymous said...

Any e"X"cuse will do, I think! Waiting to see what you come up with for the letter "y".

Lisalulu said...

one word: talent

4 Lettre Words said...

Such a creative group of shots, Sue.

Have a wonderful weekend!

People Who Know Me Would Say: said...

This would make a great small book, Sue. You put the perfect photos with each line. I really, really enjoyed it!!

storybeader said...

love it! Beautiful little poem too! {:-Deb

Unknown said...

Those are some beautiful waves you shared :)

Caroline said...


I NEVER would have thought of all those different types of "waves". Your creative mind never ceases to amaze me.

I love this. :)

BECKY said...

Beautiful, memorable, thought provoking...I find it just as difficult to comment on your beautiful writing as "Robert's"! :)

Brian Miller said... did i miss this one...really some cool pics in there...the perspective on the waves of soliders is cool...

Eliza Wynn said...

Very nice! You obviously put a lot of thought and work into this.

Jenny said...




Did I ever tell you how much my husband loves you for giving him a few moments of silence around this house?






Personalized Sketches and Sentiments said...

Great Way to get them both in!!!! I missed it for my W post! I love all your Waves of...

Blessings & Aloha!

I am Way behind on my blog visits! But I Want to thank you soooo much for stopping by and for your sweet comment! I am very honored that you had chosen to give your family some of the art that I do!