Thursday, August 25, 2011

Scenic Splendor: Lake Tahoe

Scenic splendor...

Sacred space.

Silent silhouettes

of grace.


Secret spot.

Solemn setting

time forgot.

Shade and shimmer...

Solid stone.

Soaring sentinels

stand alone.

{Sweetest sight

we've ever known.}

click below for more S posts


Ingrid said...

What a beautiful place !!

Julie said...

Lake Tahoe is a favorite spot for our family too. Gorgeous photos.

jen said...

So beautiful.

On a side note, I can't believe I missed your post yesterday. Well said. I used to devour the paper and internet, watch the news religiously. Now--no paper, little internet, news occasionally. I can't stand the fighting. And I feel like no one is telling the truth. It's all sound bites and back bites. No more for me, but what does this mean for our country?

karen said...

Your pictures are beautiful! I haven't been to Lake Tahoe since I was a child but I can see that it would be well worth a trip. And that last picture of you and Dave is so cute. I LOVE you in a hat!

Cheryl said...

Beautiful area and lovely poem.

My name is Riet said...

What a beautiful sight and I love your photo's. Love your S words

larainydays said...

I've never been there so I appreciate your beautiful pictures.

Pat @ Mille Fiori Favoriti said...

Lake Tahoe is so beautiful, Sue! I've only seen it from the air as i fly over on the way to California I hope to see it in person way day soon!

PS: We are battening down the hatches here waiting for the hurricane ...let's pray it isn't a bad one!

4 Lettre Words said..., so beautiful! I wanna be there right now. :)

anitamombanita said...

love that place! So serene.

Cathy Kennedy said...

Oooo, I wanna visit Lake Tahoe! Great pictures and 'S' word post, too! =D
I hope you’ll decide to check out…
Spiders,Sculpting,Santana,Spiritual (Alphabe-Thursday

~Cathy Kennedy, Children's Author
The Tale of Ole Green Eyes

Cindy Adkins said...

Oh wow, this is totally GORGEOUS!!! Thank you so much for sharing!!!

CB said...

Lake Tahoe is a really beautiful place - it is cold Bbbbrrrr but Oh so beautiful.

cj Schlottman said...

This post makes my leg feel better!


Darlene said...

How perfectly gorgeous that place is. Can you imagine living there all the time? I'll bet you would love it if only the altitude didn't get to you!

These pictures are outstanding. I was wishing I could have gotten one from the window of our hotel on the 9th floor of Harvey's. We left our camera in the cabin and only realized after we left that we could have taken one with Dick's I-phone. Oh well. Any one of these pictures would make a beautiful picture for any room in the house.

By the way, I loved the poetry that went with them.

Judie said...

Sue, I have never seen Lake Tahoe, and your photos are beautiful. So are your words.

Anonymous said...

Gorgeous photos. I especially like the one labelled "sanctuary."

ellen b. said...

So beautiful Sue! All those years in California and we never made it to Lake Tahoe...boohoo!

Karen Mortensen said...

Beautiful. I love Lake Tahoe.

Vicki/Jake said...

Oh, I LOVE this post! I'm close enough to Tahoe to take a road's on my someday list...

Thanks for the awesome preview. And the cute you two:)

KM said...

Breathtaking! Visiting from Alphabe-Thursday!

Pondside said...

Wow - I've often heard of it but have never seen it. Perhaps someday.........

Joy For Your Journey said...

What a gorgeous place. I have never been there but have always wanted to go. I loved your poem. I was impressed you could think of so many words starting with S and put them together so beautifully.

Grandma Honey said...

You didn't take all those pictures yourself did you? They are gorgeous. What brilliant colors!

Anonymous said...

Your pictures so make me want to go there too.

People Who Know Me Would Say: said...

I could smell the fresh air!

~✽Mumsy✽~ said...

Stunning views, and fantastic words you've chosen to uplift my spirit.

Francisca said...

Beautiful series of photos of Lake Tahoe, Sue.

Brian Miller said...

wow lovely place...the mountains, the trees, the lake...just about perfect to me...

Unknown said...

Oh, I can almost smell the air. Cool. Clean. Air. Looks like a beautiful time.

Ames said...

How peaceful and serene. Looks like a wonderful place to go see!~Ames

EG CameraGirl said...

What a fantastic place with so many gorgeous views!

Natasha in Oz said...

Your S post was so pretty and very Special!

Thanks for stopping by and visiting 5 Minutes Just for Me!

Best wishes for a lovely weekend,

Karen Sue said...

so beautiful. We did a lake in NH this summer and it was so beautiful. Rocks and mountains and pine trees and water and sand...just lots of my favorite things...

Jenny said...

Lake Tahoe is so astonishing.

It just makes your heart sigh with the beauty of it all.

Love that bottom picture. You are so lovely, Miss Sue. Inside and out!

Not that I have x-ray vision.

And I wasn't talking specifically about your liver or spleen or anything.

I hope you know what I meant!


Thanks for linking. Love the serene verse.


Tonya said...


H said...

What amazing scenery! I love the photos for Sanctuary and Shade and Shimmer! I love the final photo too. You look so happy :)