Wednesday, July 27, 2011

Just Our Cup(cake) of Tea

Check out the cute cupcakes my sister sent Todd the day he found out he would still be going to medical school in August. It was such a neat surprise to see them arrive, and they tasted every bit as good as they look!

Don't you love the way the bakery wrote a message on top of them?


PS. To enter my 900th post Expect a Miracle giveaway, just leave a comment here.


  1. A delicious message indeed - in more ways than one!

  2. That is darling!! I hope to remember this so I can use this on someone someday.

  3. yum. that makes my mouth water

  4. They look yummy. I think you should play a game with them... eat one at a time, so that with each one you remove you can still shuffle the remaining letters and make one or more complete words...silly me.

  5. So cute and a nice surprise!

  6. How thoughtful and delicious. I think I'd even lick the lid of the box!

  7. Oh my goodness those look AMAZING!!! And, yes I love how they wrote an adorable little message across the top! So clever! I am hungry! :)

  8. Darlene's friend is a believer too. Husband joined the Church after 55 years of matrimony. BIG time miracle. Love your blog. Very cool sign. Would look good on my wall!

  9. Um, where's mine? Just kidding - they look wonderful and a great way to celebrate!

  10. What a sweet message and a fun way to send it! :)

  11. Yum! And what a sweet Aunt she is!
