Wednesday, June 1, 2011

My Birthday Loot is Super Cute!

Just wanted to thank my family for giving me such neat birthday gifts this year. They are such thoughtful gift-givers and always seem to know just what I will like, even my grandchildren! For instance, Jeremiah picked out a "book" that is really a box (two of my favorite things), and Carli got me a wall plaque with the cutest poem about grandmas ever:

Grandma has ears that truly listen,
Arms that always hold,
Love that's never ending,
And a heart that's made of gold.

I'm glad she thinks that is true of me, and I hope I can live up to it!

My mom painstakingly crocheted the colorful washcloths I enjoy so much, an especially meaningful gift because the arthritis in her fingers makes that task so difficult. Talk about a gift of love! She also thought to get me a fold-up footstool for my kitchen so I can reach the high cupboards, a mat to protect my stainless steel sink, and a chopping knife so that people who use my kitchen don't feel quite so tortured. (Hopefully I don't cut myself to smithereens with it...I am infamous for my dull knives!)

The family plaque, of course, is right up my alley, too. And I love a cute birdhouse.

Thanks again, everyone. I feel well-loved and then some!


PS. I am hosting the book club at Bakow Book Babble this week. You might want to check it out and join us!


  1. Happy Birthday! (You spoiled grandma ;) It is so touching when someone gives such gifts of love. Those crocheted items are especially touching acts of love in my book as well... what a wonderful mom! You are both well blessed! :D

  2. I love the crocheted cloths! Happy Birthday!

  3. My knives are also dull. The crocheted washcloths were the first thing I noticed, but all of your gifts are wonderful. Happy Birthday!

  4. Your family gives thoughtful gifts, but I think they forgot the Chia pet.

  5. You're a lucky birthday girl! Your sweet mom - reminds me of when my grandmother would crochet each new baby a blanket even though her hands were killing her from arthritis. You and LaMar should talk - he likes birdhouses too! I keep waiting for him to plug in the saws and start production! From all indications you had a wonderful birthday. I hope you woke up beautiful - I intend to on my birthday. It started for me when I turned 55. I try to only notice my good parts now, although they're getting trickier to find!

  6. I am happy that you had such a great Birthday. I think you are much loved. I read your sweet mom's post and feel sad she had to go to the hospital. She is such a dear. Regretfully, I can't get a comment on her site due to some google problem with the comment box. I hope they get it fixed soon.
    Meanwhile, I want to thank you for your sweet comments on my blog.
    I love your blog and have so enjoyed becoming blogging friends with you.
    Blessings to you!

  7. that birdhouse is really is the book box...i would say you scored well this year...smiles. happy birthday again sue...

  8. Well, HAPPY BIRTHDAY, my friend! Mine is coming up very soon...and I can't wait. Each year gets better and better.

    Looks like you made out like a bandit. Enjoy it to the fullest! XO!

  9. Love your Loot!!
    Hope ur day was awesome!

  10. Sue, did you really think those wash cloths were crocheted? They are knitted, which is equally hard on the fingers and wrists, but I love doing them for you and I just do a little at a time, so have to start early for your birthday each year.

    I think you will enjoy the knife. I am so glad you opened your presents while talking to me on the phone when I was in the hospital. That way, I felt not so left out of the celebration. I particularly loved the gifts that Jeremiah and Carli picked out. Pretty thoughtful, I must say.

  11. Wow you were really spoiled on your birthday. I was trying to pick out a favorite with your gifts but they are all lovely!

  12. What a great idea to just put those gifts all in one picture. I will try to remember to do that on my next birthday.

    Those washcloths your Mom made look priceless!

  13. Great gifts from a great family! See, getting older has some benefits! Glad you day was super fun!

  14. Happy Birthday. You got such nice things. I love that family sign.

  15. Yay. Glad you had a happy birthday! You deserve it. This year will be lovely!

  16. Happy Birthday, Sue! I am sorry I'm late but I hope you had a wonderful, wonderful day!
    I love the crocheted wash clothes! Those are so special and pretty. I have a neighbor who made some for me and I love them.

  17. so glad you were treated so royal-ly. love the loot!

  18. HAPPY HAPPY!!!

    6 months from today is my birthday. Are we there yet????

  19. I hope you had a wonderful birthday! I love all your gifts! I too love the washcloths your mother made you! My sister in law's mother makes them for me. They are just the best in the kitchen! They grab onto everything when wiping the counters! Enjoy!

  20. Such cute stuff! I am glad it was a wonderful birthday. You deserved it.

  21. Happy Birthday!!! What wonderful gifts too! I treasure the hand-crafted things my mom has made over the years, especially since she has passed away. And I can't wait to be a "grandma" :o) Happy Birthday hugs to you!

    Blessings & Aloha!
