Saturday, April 23, 2011

No Peeps

Jenny is keeping us hoppin' with her Saturday Centus challenge on this lovely morning before Easter. As you can see, she has prompted us today with a picture in lieu of words. My relentlessly rhyming response follows. Just remember, it's all Matlock's fault. In fact, I take no responsibility whatsoever... ;)


You kids are getting out of hand.
How hard is it to understand?
I’m not the Easter Bunny. Geez.
No eggs, no peeps, no basket. Please!
This is velour I’m wearing here…
And you can blow it out your ear
if you don’t see, as plain as day,
that I’m a Playboy Bunny. Hey,
don’t smirk at me. Hugh likes my chest.
Okay, it’s different from the rest
but different strokes for different folks.
That doesn’t mean that I boil yolks
or color shells or scatter treats.
These hands (not paws!) don’t pass out sweets.
These feet don’t thump; these ears don’t hear.
They’re simply part of my headgear.
So Easter morning, don’t call me.
You’re barkin' up an empty tree.
Just take that little Easter pail
and hop on down the bunny trail.


And a very hoppy birthday to my beautiful Mom!
I won't tell you her age, but she's no spring chick...
(She did used to be an Easter bunny, though.)
~ not a Playboy one ~



  1. This was really fun, I love it-yo! Happy Easter:@)

  2. OMG!!! This is so perfect, Sue! You should enter it in a contest!!!

  3. That is the sassiest nonEaster bunny I've ever met. You made me laugh.

  4. This is the BEST Easter Bunny poem ever! I agree with Judie, you should enter a contest!

  5. Terrific! And happy birthday MOM!!!

  6. So funny. Love your sense of humor.
    Happy Birthday to your mom.

  7. Happy Happy Birthday to your wonderful Mom!!

  8. You seem to whip these up off the top of your head Sue! This was so cute! Happy Easter Sue!~Ames

  9. Just perfect, Sue!
    I'm impressed with you!
    You got the rhythm; you got the rhyme!
    You always get it right, each and every time!

    Best wishes,
    Anna's SC-51-Harvey's Place

  10. OMG Sue I love it!!!

  11. Well said ... thanks!! and Happy Easter Egg.......

  12. was awesome...LOL!!!

  13. Cute and unexpected so raves on both counts! Told your mom happy birthday - she and our Lexi share the same special day!

  14. Great! Perfect!! Funny!!!
    I LOVE it!!!! hahahahaha!

  15. PS...Happy Birthday to your beautiful mom!!!

  16. That was so good. Jenny really does need a talking to. :)

  17. That's a bunny with attitude. This was really fun, as always, Sue. I especially like "You can blow it out your ear."
    Happy Easter!

  18. I didn't read the SC part of your post cuz I'm saving it for later today...but I wanted to wish you a lovely Easter...and Happy Birthday to your lovely Mom. Tell her she raised a beautiful and amazing daughter from me, please!

  19. Lovely and a brilliant effort...enjoyed it. happy Easter :)

  20. haha loads of fun! a good end to my long easter day!! ;-)

  21. What a funny poem :-) Very good! Happy Birthday to your mom, and Happy Easter to all of you.

  22. brilliant ... again! it's always fun to red your posts!

  23. Very funny Sue! Loved it! Happy Birthday to sweet Darlene! I'll just have to hop on over to her blog and send some wishes! Happy Easter to you and family!

  24. too funny!!
    Hope you had a hoppy easter!!

  25. Sue,

    This is great! (I knew it would be).

    Happy Easter..........cj

  26. How do you come up with these poems on the spot, you are so good. That was hilarious!

  27. HOW FUNNY! I really had to laugh at this one and I was also very touched at how many of your bloggers wished my a Happy Birthday!

  28. I love this cute and clever poetic take on the prompt...I'm also jealous of anyone with such a gift for poetry !

  29. HA!!! SO cute!!!! I needed that laugh after that cry! :) I know I am late, but I hope your Mom had a wonderful birthday!

  30. Oh Sue! I loved this! Although I don't think Mr. Jenny loves you.

    He was sleeping because we got irrigation really late last night...and I started laughing so hard, he woke up and came in to see what was up!

    You're wonderful!

    This was incredible!
