Friday, April 22, 2011

He Walked Alone

Jerusalem, He entered like a King.
with shouts of acclamation, fronds of palm.
But these gave way to fear, and none stood with Him.
To His stripes, loving hands applied no balm.

He walked alone; and, bowed beneath the cross,
He who gave living water tasted gall
and vinegar and blood, then drank the cup––
a sinless, selfless sacrifice for all.

Because of Him, our bodies rise again.
In Him, is every spirit justified.
And every soul is ransomed by His hand,
pierced through, by those for whom He bled and died.

Yet in His final hours on the cross,
His heart was turned to them in love and grace.
Father, forgive…They know not what they do.
Stripped of His sacred life, He pled their case.

How infinite His mercy and devotion.
How wonderful His gentleness and power.
Exquisite was the pain our Lord endured,
the solitude that marked His final hour.

Surely, He must not walk alone again.
Be His. Walk with the Savior. Tell His story.
In testifying, we stand all amazed.
In serving Christ, we kneel before His glory.

When He returns, the world will stand amazed;
then every knee will bow, each tongue confess.
The time is nigh, and there is work to do.
Press forward, Saints. We owe Him nothing less.


"...I am the resurrection, and the life: he that believeth in me,
though he were dead, yet shall he live." -John 11:25


(Okay, that's it! No more Easter poems till next year. Promise!)



  1. beautiful reminder that we need to act. thanks, Sue.

    and Happy Easter

  2. Sue, your talent never ceases to amaze! Coming to your page each day has really set the tone for this Sunday and the true reason we are celebrating.

  3. Just wonderful. Have a safe and blessed Easter. Hugs

  4. Oh, so beautiful!!! Thanks for sharing and the great pictures to go along!!! :)

  5. What a wonderful way to enjoy Good Friday. Thank you for sharing your talents in this way.

  6. Amen, Sue.

    A powerful reminder. Thank you.
    I hope you have a lovely Easter weekend with your family!

  7. You can post all the Easter poems you want! I love them.
    I heard a song today by David Osmond called, "The Lonliest Walk" reminds me of this poem.

  8. we would do well to read Easter poems EVERY day. Thank you for those beautiful thoughts. Happy Easter!

  9. Thanks, Sue. I actually had a little insight at the Pageant on Wednesday. Not only did He do it alone, but when He performed the Atonement in Gethsemane, there wasn't even a single mortal witness to His agony and greatness.
    Just a thought.

  10. I agree with Jingle - this is powerful and it touches my heart!
    Thank you for sharing your talents.

    Happy Easter!!

  11. I was just starting to look forward to more of the series! Beautiful verse. Have a wonderful Easter weekend!

  12. Have a very Happy Easter. I have enjoyed reading all of your posts this week. I have felt the spirit of your writings and have been much uplifted.
    Blessing to you!

  13. "Press forward Saints. We owe him nothing less." Love that line especially.

  14. Beautiful poem Sue. You don't have to apologize for writing all the lovely Easter poems as they were a wonderful reminder of this special, and for me, favorite season. Have a wonderful Easter.

  15. Well, I love this one too. I just wish I were given enough time so I could include this one too.

    I wish that you could be with us tomorrow. We will be thinking and talking about you.

    I love you so very very much

  16. He walked alone; and, bowed beneath the cross,
    He who gave living water tasted gall
    and vinegar and blood, then drank the cup––
    a sinless, selfless sacrifice for all.

    my favorite verse...such an awesome tale told well....happy easter!!!

  17. Beautiful poem, beautiful message and beautiful pictures. Thank you so very much.

  18. Beautiful said Sue! I just went to the Easter Pageant at the Mesa temple tonight-it was spectacular...This was great to read on Easter Eve, thank you!

  19. What a beautiful gift you share, Sue. Masterful. Humbling. A lovely reminder.
