Today is the first year anniversary of Matlock's best meme ever...Saturday Centus. The following prompt is in keeping with the occasion, and this time, we are even allowed to use a photo. Will wonders never cease? Happy anniversary to Jenny...and to all my fellow Centusians!
As is my custom, I have added 100 words to make a mini-story, and the prompt is in red.

Le Mont
©2011 Susan Noyes Anderson
Although the traditional gift for a first anniversary is paper, hers to him was a Mont Blanc pen…the flowy kind that feels like something in your hand…and a journal with lines across each page because she never could seem to chart a straight course without them. What had her mother said? When your words slant up, it means you are optimistic.
Maybe it was optimistic to think he would share himself better with her in writing, but some days the spaces yawned wide between them. Smiling, she penned her first love note inside the gilt-edged anniversary gift, laying it gently on the pillow, Mont Blanc on top. Would he meet her halfway? Was this a way to scale le mont between them?
PS. Le mont (Fr.) means the mountain.
So, so amazing, Sue! Sure hope y'all have had an amazing Saturday.
I love it!
wow. that was truly beautiful, yet somewhat sad.
That was great!! It has been a year for the Centus? That is cool too.
I need to get back into it now that all my craziness is over!
Loved yours today.
Great story, some how I don't think it will help their situation though... That pic takes my breath away:@)
Sue, a wonderful idea she had! I hope it works out for her.
As elegant as a mont blanc pen line.
Wonderful Sue !
I am feeling and seeing those mountain ranges in front of me, separating me from my loved ones who sometimes think this writing thing is all so frivolous !
I love this little story, Sue! Gets you thinking...
Such longing and hope in these few lines!
ohhh sounds like there's a little tiff going on in that marriage. A love note can't hurt.
maybe it a hopeful romantic, i hope so...nice play on le mont...happy saturday!
Just wonderful! I must visit Jenny today too! Have a god weekend. Anne
Wonderful anniversary centus, Sue! Those firsts few years are indeed a challenge for all married couples. I love the hopeful ending.
One can only hope. Men aren't usually the journaling type! Great one Sue!~Ames
Great post, I really feel the void that the writing creates.
I really like your use of the mountain. Very profound. That's a great photo too.
Be well, Sue.
Very good...
If I lived near you, I would grab you by the shoulders and shake you while admonishing, "Why aren't you writing for a while every single day of your life??!!!"
You are such a wordsmith, Sue! This and all your other centuses (centi?) should be in a separate blurb book. Then you should build on them.
It gets very well into that space, the thinking behind an act, and the optimism spills out. The pic is a very apt choice.
Sue this was beautiful. Truly. I was touched.
Sue, I always admire the way you write and never more than now. You are so descriptive in a marvelous way. Keep doing what you are always leave me wanting more!
How nice is that? Very very nice indeed. I really love reading your centus every Saturday(or Sunday as the case may be). Your talent really kicks in for these prompts and what comes out is always super original and always interesting to read. No boredom here.........ever!
and their life together will survive any and all distances between them! Rock on!
oh ... sometimes it's hard to climb that climb ... wonderfully written Sue!
I love this, but it made me sad in a heart-achy kind of way.
All I can say is "Thank heavens she didn't give him a gc to a year WW's". I can only imagine what he would have written in the journal about THAT particular gift.
This was beautiful.
I love PJ's comment to you.
This is great! You stories always "take me there". I love the way you write.
"Your" stories, I meant. :)
Sue, yours was one of the first Centus' I read, and I was positive I left a comment...but it appears that I didn't! Glad I came back to double check! Loved this! Wonderful story, as always, when it's written by YOU! :)
Sweet! My husband loves his Mont Blanc . . .
Thank you for welcoming me to this lovely meme. I just discovered it, and I already know that I intend to be involved EVERY Saturday. (except when I go on vacation the end of May/early June.)
I love your story!! And I simply must tell you, I DID do something like that with my husband and both of my kids. I called it a "love journal" and I would write love notes to them in it, then put it on their pillow or someplace where they would discover it. Then, they would write back to me in the same journal. So, the journals are filled with love letters back and forth.
Thanks for visiting my post.
Your SC-text is a very sweet story. Is it really only 100 words? Well-chosen words to describe a marriage, and two individuals with very different attitudes to writing.
Very clever. Fits the prompt well.
Best wishes,
For the benefit of other readers:
Anna's SC-52-Sanna's novel
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