Monday, April 4, 2011

Home Repair Beyond Compare

My big silver car is dead in the driveway (lucky me), so AAA is coming to the rescue. I have a promise that those esteemed automotive helpers will either recharge my battery, replace it entirely, or drive the oldish heap (2004) to the dealer for an overhaul. Having your car break down is always a bad deal, but it sure makes things easier to have help come knocking at the door. Let's face it, car repairs are a whole lot better when they can be made in the privacy of your own home.

As Friday's post indicated, I've been feeling a little dead in the driveway myself lately, desperately wanting some immediate gratification for several of my kids. In the past two days, a number of speakers from General Conference, (AAA-level helpers), have come to the rescue. And yes, they did make a house call! In the comfort of my own living room, they have managed to recharge my faltering battery, replace my ruminations with hope, and drive me straight to the Dealer for an overhaul. What a great thing it is to simply turn on the TV and welcome the very best spiritual repair people into my home for ready relief.

On Saturday morning, Jean A. Stevens shared some lovely thoughts about humility, reminding me of the need to become as a child. Close on her heels was Kent F. Richards, a physician who spoke about affliction, pain, and the struggles we all experience in life. Quentin L. Cook reminded me that women are made of stern stuff, and President Eyring suggested my "stewing" energy might be a lot better directed at serving. By lunchtime, I was feeling better already!

Saturday afternoon brought Russell M. Nelson's reassurance that, although life "is what it is," the future is as bright as my faith. (I always love a good quote from President Monson!) Instead of waxing impatient about blessings I desire for my children, Dallin H. Oaks reminded me that I can override impatience with the desire to focus on improving things I can control, including becoming more Christlike. Change won't happen overnight, but M. Russell Ballard makes the observation that by small and simple things are great things brought to pass (Alma 37:6). I can start slow!

Sunday morning, President Uchtdorf had me wondering whether I was allowing myself to be stranded on the road to Damascus, looking for dramatic signs instead of being content with small steps along the way. Paul V. Johnson helped me remember that my children not only need but deserve to go through their own trails of faith, and that I need to respect that. Even the richest gold (and my children are the best quality ever) needs refining to remove impurities, while I simply need to get out of the way and respect the process.

By Sunday afternoon, I was ready to quit worrying about my kids for a moment and just enjoy Richard G. Scott's beautiful, moving words about marriage. (Yes, I cried.) D. Todd Christofferson highlighted something I already know but too easily forget: that the Lord tries our patience and our faith...and that's okay. Even necessary! In this manner, we become the people we need to be, as do our children. I loved the advice of Lyn G. Robbins on how to compliment our little (and bigger) ones at the very root of themselves, praising character instead of its related accomplishments, traits instead of the fruit they bring. For example, don't praise a child for grades, praise him for the diligence it took to get them.

I must give special attention to Elder Holland's talk, which just blew me away, especially this line: The gospel is to comfort the afflicted and afflict the comfortable. Hey, that's what growth is all about. And my kids are sturdy enough to weather it.

As you can see, conference was a home run for me this weekend, and I am so grateful for the in-home delivery of such a wonderful service. (By the way, AAA has already managed to get my car up and running while I was writing this post!)

Blessings abound.


PS. Anyone interested in viewing or listening to any of these wonderful talks (and others!) can simply click on the link to General Conference in my second paragraph, above.


  1. Glad to hear they got your car running.

  2. I'm recharged too, what a wonderful weekend. I also drive a Pilot which I thought was invincible, it's only 2 years older than yours.

  3. Glad your car is running, and your internal battery is charged too. I loved what Elder Holland said, too, about comforting the afflicted, and afflicting the comfortable.

  4. wow. you got quite the fill of good thoughts recharge...glad you did and glag AAA is on the way to help as well...

  5. Oh Conference! How I love it. And it was magnificent. Just what I needed to hear a million times over. I loved the talk (I can't remember whose) about family spirituality. Your kids wont remember what FHE is about but they will remember you had it. They wont remember exactly what you read in scriptures, but they will remember you read them. They may not remember what was said in your morning and evening prayers, but they will remember you did pray. Such important lessons that can sometimes be so daunting!

  6. Conference was amazing. It recharged my batteries too. Elder Scott visited our stake a few years back and he had the tears rolling down my cheeks too. I left Kyle a love note today. I might need to do that a bit more often. Thanks for your cheery post of spiritual nuggets.

  7. All of those talks were simply amazing!!! What a blessing!

  8. Sue, I love that you said--"children not only need but deserve to go through their own trials of faith". I will have to remember this when my children are older.

    The General Conference sounds like a good one. I am so glad it helped you to recharge. I enjoyed reading about the talks and the wisdom that was shared with you.

    Also--I am glad that your actual car is now working and I loved the analogy to the spiritual self.

  9. Varoooommmm! Yep, I was recharged also and I loved every minute of Conference. I cried, laughed, was humbled, chastised, and felt loved by my Heavenly Father. Glad you were comforted and found some answers too. We are a lucky people.

  10. Sounds like a weekend full of fantastic talks full of inspiration! ALL batteries recharged on all fronts!!

  11. Awesome summary of an amazing weekend! I feel brand new too!!

  12. Sorry about your car but I too appreciate good AAA in home delivery! It was fantastic!

  13. Love your recap of conference. It always amazes me how we hear the very things we're struggling with and are concerned about.
    Hope you get your car running soon.

  14. What a great summary of the talks. A lot to think about. A lot to change and work on. We drive a Honda too.

  15. This is the first time that I really remember wishing that Conference would just go on and on. It just seemed like I wanted more. We were both disappointed that it was over so soon. I can honestly say that I think it was the best Conference I can remember in years. It did seem to me that every person that spoke had a special message just for me and I have to admit that this is the very first Conference that I took notes. I am usually happy to wait until the Ensign comes out to re read the talks I wanted to review again. Such wonderful words of wisdom.

  16. We wound up with company all day Saturday and I worked, unsuccessfully, on a eulogy most of the day Sunday, so THANK YOU for the link to the conference speakers. I will be clicking today.

  17. Sue, I really enjoyed how you've summed up the beautiful talks. I too, cried listening to Elder Scott's words on marriage. We are so blessed
    to have living Prophets and Apostles in our day to lift our eyes and our faith to the important things in life. Thank you!

  18. I feel like I got a recharge too. Just when I think they couldn't possibly hold a better conference then the last one, they do...and better. I'm blown away. I really loved all the talks but when Elder Holland told us that we should not be discouraged by all the counsel..that it didn't mean we were all doing bad...and that we should just take one thing and work on it at a time, I was relieved.
    Glad we got our motors running again...yours and mine.

  19. It was a wonderful conference... I cried during Elder Scott's talk too.

  20. You summed it up so well.
    Never have a loved a conference so much. The spirit was so strong and I was often in tears.

  21. Sounds like a full weekend! Glad it had so much for you. Sometimes I feel overwhelmed with all I still need to learn. We never stop. Good thing God is patient! :)
