Tuesday, April 19, 2011

Easter Stories and Other Glories

In honor of Easter, two of my grandkids
are hanging out in a pretty cool egg!

Have you read the fun Easter story-poem I wrote them last year?
Check out The Easter Bunny's Tale right here.
I think you'll like it.


PS. Thursday morning (day after tomorrow), I'll be posting my brand new one: The Miracle of Easter: A Child's Story. It's this year's gift to my grandchildren, and I hope you'll enjoy it, too.

for more happy posts, click below


  1. That is a pretty cool egg! Very cute.

  2. I just hopped over and read the story...love it! That really is a unique egg your sweet grands are in. Sweet picture. Hugs

  3. That is too cool! What a great photo-op!! :)

  4. that is sucha cute verse and some fun pics to go along with it...hope you have a great easter this weekend and the EB is good to you...smiles

  5. I especially like the sweet treats inside that cool egg!!! How cute they are!!

  6. The easter bunny just put candy in my easter eggs... looks like you've got something even better.

    Thanks for all your wonderful comments on my happiness project posts!

  7. I want my kids to have a grandma like you!

  8. What a fun Grandma you are.

    Would love it to have you join Friday A Family Lives Here. Exhibit 1 Exhibit 2

  9. Beautiful shot and a great story-tale. Love it!

  10. Fun fun story for your grandkids! I want to be like you when I'm a grandma. :)

    Looking forward to this year's story now!

  11. We are so glad you reposted that wonderful story because we missed it last year. What a neat way to remind children of what Easter truly is all about. We can't wait to read this years poem. PS: We never knew where the whole plastic Easter eggs thing came from, so thanks for solving that mystery for us!

  12. What a fun place- great capture there!!!!!

  13. Very cool egg...can't wait until Thursday, I will be back:)


  14. I love the poem you wrote your grandchildren last year (i just bunny hopped over and read it again) and I can't wait to read the new one on Thursday!
    p.s. beautiful picture of your always beautiful grandchildren.

  15. I can't wait to have a couple of those of my own...the grandkids. :)
    Are you getting to have any grandkids over for Easter?

  16. I enjoyed this years so much that I am making it the main content of my talk that I have to give Sunday. I also love the one you did last year.

    Isn't that just the cutest picture ever? I love love love it.

  17. Love your stories and poems Sue! I can't believe how lucky your grandkiddies are to be the recipients of such talent! I sent Lexi's little Easter box that I bought with you off today. I think she'll enjoy it. Mia, meanwhile, is twirling like a princess in her Easter dress from Mema! How I miss them!

  18. What a great capture. Love the whole perspective of it.

  19. Can't wait to read the next installment. And talk about an egg full of sweetness.

  20. What a great story you wrote. I too loved it. Can't wait to read the one for this year.
    Your grandbabies are adorable and I love this photo.
    Hope you have a very special Easter.
    Love ya

  21. What very lucky grandchildren to have a Grandma who writes things just for them!

  22. I loved your story...the real reason for Easter! Cute photos to go along with it too :-)

  23. That is one cool egg. And such darling little faces smiling up!

  24. They look like they are having a real good time. =)

  25. What a fun story and picture! Happy Easter Sue!
